Peanut butter: Smooth or Chunky?

Discussion in 'General' started by greenthumbber, Jul 19, 2009.

  1. Now i dont want to start any fights, i know this can be a hot topic. But who here likes chunky/smooth, and why? Ill admit i was once a smooth person, and i thought chunkies were weirdos, but ive recently taken a liking to chunky peanut butter. I wouldve made a poll, but quite frankly, i dont know how.
  2. I like any kind, as long as it sticks to the roof of my dog's mouth. :smoke:
  3. Chunky, it adds texture to the PBJ
  4. either/or

    i really don't care

    all natural is best, though
  5. smooth, it feels weird when u bite down in a pb and j and crucnch something.

    SO i will go with SMOOTH:smoke:;)
  6. Chunky is pretty good IMO, i usually go with smooth though.
  7. Hm I thought I always see it as "crunchy," but I'm assuming that's synonymous with "chunky." The kind that has parts of peanuts still in tact? I love that shit.

    I'll eat either, but I really love chunky/crunchy

    Now, what's your favorite brand?
  8. Damnit! Haha I can't find the clip of Jim Gaffigan talking about peanut butter. He's talkin about going into the story and seeing smooth, chunky, and EXTREME chunky. He's like "I opened it up and it was just peanuts, I was spreading it and was like "THIS IS RADICAL!!"
  9. The peanut grinders in the natural food stores, you know it's fresh, you're watching it happen. It comes out a perfect coarse yet smooth texture.
  10. Nutella > Peanut Butter
  11. Gross.

    edit: actually i was thinking of something else. I've never had this "nutella" but it sounds delicious
  12. Is it just me or does the chunky taste more like peanuts? Maybe not enough of my taste buds have burned off so I can taste the difference.

    I don't really like straight peanuts so ill have to go with smooth.
  13. Depends. On a sammich (Such as a PB&J) I'll take smooth.

    But I have been known to watch Sex and the City and devour a jar of chunky peanut butter. Some might call this questionable behavior, I call it bliss.
  14. Super Chunky Kraft for me.
  15. I like both smooth and chunky it's just about the mood Im in.Plus I don't notice the difference from brand to brand most of the time.So i get generic:D
  16. Chunky is my preffered texture.
  17. why isn't this a poll? gah!!!
  18. it doesn't matter to me. but if i had to choose, I'd definitely go with chunky
  19. Smooth Jiff.

    I hate chunks just like how I hate seeds in the Jam.
  20. Smooth. My brand of choice is JIF. But I always have to have my jam with seeds/preserves or whatever.

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