Paul Blart Mall cop! Best movie in years.

Discussion in 'Movies' started by Mr B., Jun 4, 2009.

  1. OK, so it's not the best, but man it was great. It felt like a throwback to movies like Blank Check and First Kid, and I think it was the best comedy I have seen of its kind... ever. I might need to rewrite my review after I watch it sober however.
  2. I would put it in my top 10 worst movies ever seen, so I guess to each their own.
  3. yeah seriously, i thought it would be funny because i think kevin james is funny, i just like that show king of queens, but this had to be one of the worst movies i've ever seen also, im not sure i remember laughing even once, the story was totally dumb and poorly written, and they thought they would be cool and put pro bmx riders and skateboarders and shit in there and have them be the robbers of the mall.... no robbers would ever behave the way they did in this movie... everything in this movie just seemed like it was thrown together very quickly without much real thought, the whole mall cop riding around on a segway thing, and him being super serious, "safety never takes a holiday" had humor in it, but it wasn't laugh out loud funny, and the only slightly funny parts i had already seen in the commercial...
  4. #4 Mr B., Jun 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2009
    Man, you guys are crazy. That movie was great, and all the things you listed as why it was bad was what made it so great. Ya' know it's like when the prohibitionists say that the negative side effects of marijuana are lightheadedness and drowsiness. It was a humor that hasn't been portrayed well in a movie since Jingle all the way... and man, the fact they had pro skaters as bad guys made me laugh so hard. I mean really? You can hop from balcony to balcony, do backflips, and know karate, but you can't catch a fat guy on a segway. Man, that was funny... And not since kindergarten cop has the main villan been so entertaining. Man, movie was genius. And the whole tone of the movie was so uplifting. Even the bad guys didn't seem so bad, but man I bet that guy woulda shot someone... He had that crazy look he kept giving the camera that said "bitch, I'm crazy. I swear if you have a cell phone and I find it I will take it away from you, yell a little and play right into the hands of Paul Blart Mall Cop's master plan."
  5. I've gotta watch this. :smoking:
  6. ya i thought this movie absolutely sucked. all the somewhat funny parts were in the previews.
  7. you can judge a whole movie nowadays from the trailer, cause that is where all the action is placed, usually the rest of the movie is mundane. Watch the trailer, download a screen or a dvdrip, save your coin for other viable options, like a new Sherlock or a better sack of mids.

    I lost faith in decent big screen entertainment back in the late 80's -90's :eek:
  8. Wow I thought this movie was a whole waste of a download. I watched it stoned too and only laughed once or twice.

    I'd recommend downloading Half Baked or Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back, for some real stoner comedy.
  9. Yeah, I was high as crap and only laughed a few times, usually at random little things that I noticed, and not anything to do with the actual comedy they tried to put in there.

    worst B comedy movie evar
  10. terrible movie.

    seriously top 5 worst movies ever seen. and i've seen a shit fuck load of movies.

    terrible movie.

  11. Wow i just ogt done watching that movie like a hour ago and idk it wasnt that funny but i really like Kevin James alot he just makes things all beter in a crappy film
  12. i have not even seen this piece of shit movie and i already can tell how horrible it is. i like kevin james from king of queens also but this movie is just retarded.
  13. "An incredible piece of dung this movie was."-Yoda

    Not an actual quote, just something he would say :D.
  14. My movie theares is going show this for free next month, I'll watch it.
  15. I paid $1.50 to see it and it wasn't worth it
  16. I saw it on a flight to California... I fell asleep 20 minutes in.

  17. haha that says it all.
  18. Let me guess you guys don't like suburban commando either.

    [ame=]YouTube - suburban commando[/ame]

    [ame=""]YouTube - Suburban Commando (1991): Film Clip - "What game?"[/ame]
  19. ^^haha completely forgot about that movie. i would much rather watch that again than see this paul blart shit. :smoking:

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