
Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by deadkamakazi, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. Ok so my grammar is a little off and im on a phone. But ill do my best.

    I used to rock climb when I lived up north and have always enjoyed.hiking. I moved to florida, ended up having a kid. I started to go back to my adventure self and have been exploring fl.

    Well on dec. 31st I decided im tired of society. And im going to patagonia for 6 months. I dont know how im getting there. No plane tgough I want to do it tge fun way. But im leaving late december of this year.

    I have been training everyday. Yoga,slackline,climb. On my off days from work I go trail riding and practice my orienting. And I practice fire starting and tent building stuff.

    Heres the issue. I have no one to go with me. Or at least no one as motivated as I am and willing to go. And I live in this shity redneck town were no one would be into the same stuff as me.

    I dont know what im asking for here maybe some advice or input. Doesnt have mu ch to do with mj but your oppinions count for some reason or another.
  2. Dude, i live in a shitty redneck town too. I'll go with you. I expect that for 2 tokers, and 6 months, we will need like...2 pounds of dank. Sound good?
  3. You obviously haven't seen Into the Wild.
    Be careful what you eat, and what you wipe with..

    But I feel you. That's how I've been feeling since ninth grade.
  4. [quote name='"reefermadness11"']Dude, i live in a shitty redneck town too. I'll go with you. I expect that for 2 tokers, and 6 months, we will need like...2 pounds of dank. Sound good?[/quote]

    If your down im down. I keep telljng everyone if you wanna go, come. But im going regardless.

    I have seen into the wild. Watch 180 degrees south. I was a boyscout for about 10 years I know my way around surviving for at least a little while.
  5. better do your research. patagonia is probably among the most unforgiving places on earth. little food and few animals live there at all. basic survival skills just won't cut it if you intend to live there for a period of time.
  6. [quote name='"maleadapted"']
    better do your research. patagonia is probably among the most unforgiving places on earth. little food and few animals live there at all. basic survival skills just won't cut it if you intend to live there for a period of time.[/quote]

    Ive already started buying dried food. Work at walmart get a discount. 2.50 a peice.

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