So recently I met these new dealers and me and my friend were desperate to get high and these two guys came down stairs and lit up a blunt, they introduced themselves to us and he saw I had achool on me an asked me for a sip, I said sure and I ended up taking like a shots worth of 40% tequila but I smoked like 2 joints and 2 blunts, soon after I just hit the couch and couldn't move. I never smoked that much in my life and I recently started smoking a year ago. So I wanted to ask what made me feel like that the achool or the weed.Ps. Each joint/blunt had a gram in each and I'm 5'11 and I weight 160. And 3 hours before I smoked I took like 2 shots of the same thing. Anyways thanks!Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Passing out? Or falling asleep...most likely from 2 whole grams of ganja? Half a gram can put me to sleep for the whole night if it's good enough . I think your body or maybe your mind was just tired.
I can't really answer your question. What helps me is not mixing two drugs with each other. Keep safe man peace
[quote name="KindaLeafy" post="19397778" timestamp="1390571659"]Passing out? Or falling asleep...most likely from 2 whole grams of ganja? Half a gram can put me to sleep for the whole night if it's good enough .I think your body or maybe your mind was just tired.[/quote]Well I was laying down on the couch but I couldn't move, I could but I didn't want to and it was pretty hard and I didn't fall asleep or pass out my eyes were wide open I wasn't tired, like I was dead.Green Crack Fav Strain!!
I don't know about passing out, but the other night I got super fucked up and fell asleep in my garage. I went out with friends, smoked 5 or 6 blunts of my friend's medical weed over the course of a few hours, had 3 or 4 beers (not drunk, just a buzz), smoked a few cigarettes, and next thing I know I'm waking up in my garage. I think it was the medical weed that fucked me up.
You probably just fell asleep. I've mixed alcohol with weed and i just fall out whenever i sit downSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Once I smoked a blunt to myself in the morning before eating and I passed out. Woke up on the ground, didn't know if I was out for seconds or minutes lol. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum