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passing DOT DT with shy bladder technique?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Blaze30, Apr 3, 2016.

  1. Hey guys! So im wondering how the shy bladder procedure works for a DOT drug test. Anyone have any experience?

    At my job random drug tests are done right on site. Meaning that if your number is randomly selected you immediately get escorted by supervisors to the drug testing office on site. There is no notice to pre-heat the quickfix, so microwaving it or otherwise pre-heating it is out of the question.

    So on the day im selected for a random, my plan is to go into the bathroom and attach a handwarmer to my quickfix. Then come out and say i cant piss to give the quickfix time to heat up (using the shy bladder technique). Afterwards ill go back into the bathroom and dump the heated quickfix into the collection cup. My concern is that this will arouse suspicion and require me to be monitored when i go back in to "piss" (i.e. dump the quick fix into the collection cup).

    Has anyone else used the shy bladder technique for a DOT test? If so, how did this technique work? What other methods have you used to pass your drug tests? Especially interested to hear from those who have successfully passed "truely random" DOT tests though im interested in hearing from anyone with DT experience. Thanks!
  2. At my last job, we had quarterly, random drug tests. I was fortunate in that I usually had at least an hour notice. While working there, there were many occasions when folks simply did not have to pee and had to wait. My advise to you is to have the synthetic urine kit ready to go every day. If you get picked, go with your plan. I've heard of folks waiting at the drug testing facility for hours before they could go and it raised no suspicion. Good luck and keep fighting the good fight!
  3. have you used quick fix for any DOT testing before?
  4. also you could buy a uses 9v batteries to maintain the perfect temp.

    get a rechargeable set, it lasts "at least 4 hours" per set so maybe a few sets per work day go home and recharge.
  5. Thanks for your replies! I have not used QuickFix for any drug tests, but from the consensus of information on the internet it appears QuickFix is a safe bet.

    I will look into getting a Urinator but my job is very physical... Lots of squatting, kneeling, lifting, etc. Im not sure if it would practical for my situation.
  6. Thanks for your replies! I have not used QuickFix for any drug tests, but from the consensus of information on the internet it appears QuickFix is a safe bet.

    I will look into getting a Urinator but my job is very physical... Lots of squatting, kneeling, lifting, etc. Im not sure if it would practical for my situation.
  7. I wear it on the inside of my thigh in some of those thigh compression things it doesn't really effect any movement like that my jobs physical like that too.
  8. Do you use QuickFix 6.1 in the urinator? If you do, have you had success with it?
  9. I use frozen urine but you can definitely use qf in it and its easier cause you don't have to keep that cold or frozen, ive just seen a few too many people saying it didn't work for them to trust it.

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