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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bud luver, Mar 6, 2010.

  1. so i have a half that i copped for my self and idk if i should be that nice guy and bring it or not or like charge people to get down? any suggestions?

    btw its not the greatest bud
  2. You want to bring half a zip to a party?

    Unless that party is filled with close friends, don't.

    It's gonna disappear in 15 mins.

    Personally, when I go to parties, I always bring 2-3 joints pre-rolled, with the rest of my weed in a bag. That way, if I just want to hang out with the stoners outside, smoke a doobie, I can do it.

    And if the night gets deeper and deeper, I got the rest of my weed to roll more. Just don't mention you have a lot on you :D

  3. no. just roll what you and your peeps need. sometimes people dont put down, and you end up still loosing weed.
  4. do it up homie
  5. Bring some joints or a blunt pre-rolled. Chances are there will be other people there to match you.
  6. No dont do it lol. I usually bring 2 blunts to every party i go to, thats it. Bring that, plus a gram or two just incase someone brings a bong
  7. Brin a blunt for you and your boys. No more, no less.
  8. yaa i was high when this was posted im bring 2 blunts for me and my boys causee theres gonna be mad noobs at this shit
  9. No! First of all it'll be gone in 10 minutes and second of all, never drive with more weed than you absolutely have to. Let alone bring that much to a party.

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