Parents Disowning Their Children

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by vietsmallfry102, Jul 22, 2008.

  1. I don't mean any disrespect, but I don't understand your father's actions. You tell him that you're gay and his first thought is to beat you? I'm sorry but I just don't understand that in the least...
  2. well when i was 16 i stole 15,000 dollars from my dad thru his bank account to buy weed. haha good thing he was rich back then. i feel so bad about doin that now
  3. How old are you? :)
  4. addiction - nice slap to the face, still loved though.

    Gotta love it, yeah?
  5. My grandma likes to talk about how the fags are just going to burn in hell, the crazy part about it is that she really isn't religious. So to amuse her i bring over a "girlfriend" every once and a while- There's no point to arguing with someone that old, their mind is set. Not to mention, i feel like coming out to her may just kill her. (see picture below)
  6. Whoop Whoop, that's the sound of the police, Whoop Whoop, that's the sound of the beast.
  7. They change the Bible according to their standards, it is called being close minded.
  8. I felt like I was disowned by my dad once :( A dad should never put his hands on his daughter, ever. That's just pathetic.

    *sigh* I'm going to smoke a joint for that stupid memory.

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