Paper on the Legalization of Marijuana (Please read and critique!)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by iMaven, May 10, 2009.

  1. #1 iMaven, May 10, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2010
    So, i couldn't find my old thread's edit button... soo i decided to make a new one with my new updatee.
    Please feel free to make any harsh critiques you feel necessary!

    Paper on the Legalization of Cannabis Sativa aka MARIJUANA!
    \t\t\t \t\t\tSooooo...
    I thought I would post this so that people may share their thoughts and input and the like.

    There is much more I could write in this, and i plan on doing that.
    This is only the alpha phase of the essay, which i wrote for class, and i intend on expanding it in order to persuade most readers more efficiently.

    Please critique!!

    oh and... i got the grade back... 100% on the content.
    but i didn't cite correctly in a few places so a b overall.
    oh well, the 100% is all that matters to me.

    Yea its in the beta phase, definitely... A lot of progress has been made.

    \t \t

    Legalization of Cannabis Sativa, Commonly Known as Marijuana​

    \tCannabis sativa, commonly known as marijuana, is a plant species that is mainly known for its psychoactive effects when consumed – either through smoking, ingesting, or vaporizing. Being outlawed in most states by the year 1937 (Marijuana: The Facts), it has since been falsely accused with many negative side-effects... almost none being scientifically proven. It causes a knowledgeable person to wonder why marijuana is kept prohibited, while harmful substances such as alcohol and tobacco are kept legal and supported by the government subsidiaries. Basing its legalization on another fallacy is illogical. However, basing its justification on sheer evidence and practical morals is quite the contrast.
    \tThere are many common misconceptions on marijuana; its’ supposed physically addictive properties being one of them. The hype around marijuana’s addictiveness is misleading to the core. In fact, marijuana has shown to be the least addictive out of 6 commonly used drugs – caffeine, alcohol, heroin, cocaine, nicotine, and marijuana (Markoff). Studies show that it can actually help patients who are dependent on ‘hard’ drugs, such as cocaine, in the battle on their dependence (Hess). Not only are its physically addictive properties a misconception, but also its psychologically addictive properties:
    \tStudies have estimated that between 5 and 10% of those who try smoking cannabis will \tbecome daily users sometime during their life, but most of these smokers will have given \tup the habit by age 30 and few remain daily smokers after age 40. (Erowid)
    In fact, marijuana’s addictiveness is so highly disregarded by doctors that it is more than 3 times less addictive when compared to caffeine. Moreover, nicotine is more addictive than the 5 other drugs in the study – alcohol, heroin, cocaine, caffeine, and marijuana. In addition, alcohol is more addictive as well (Markoff). Making the addictive properties of marijuana a foundation in an argument supporting its prohibition is a true lapse in logic. When in comparison to the other 5 commonly used drugs, marijuana’s addiction is obviously insignificant. It leaves one standing shocked when pondering over the fact that nicotine and alcohol are still legal, even with proven negative side effects.
    \tAnother false belief of marijuana is its connection to various types of cancer, such as lung and oral cancer. This belief is supported by the fact that marijuana contains 50 percent more carcinogens (cancer causing substances) than tobacco (BBCNews). However, research has proven that marijuana use is not connected to a much higher risk of cancer. Many studies actually show no sign of increased risk at all (Boyles, Bates, Gardner). Surprisingly enough, marijuana use causes a positive affect on cancerous tumors. The main ingredient in marijuana, THC, has been attributed to this positive effect, says the American Association for Cancer Research. (AACR). Even more surprising, the government’s Drug Enforcement Administration) (DEA), learned of this positive effect after a 1974 study, only to halt the research and destroy its results. This study was next replicated in 2000, but this time the results were released (Cushing 1). The question of whether or not the government is truly looking out for our best interests comes to mind when presented with these facts.
    \t“Smoking marijuana makes you dumb”, or so the general populous believes. Yet again, this misconception of marijuana is disproved by research. It is believed that it causes brain cells to die (a common effect of alcohol intake). However, research says otherwise. Contrary to wide belief, marijuana use actually promotes neurogenesis - the growth of brain cells (University of Saskatchewan), and causes no negative cerebral structural changes (DeLisi).
    \tOne of the major problems in today’s prescribed drugs is their addictive and harmful side-effects. A prime example is a prescribed painkiller known as OxyContin whose main ingredient is oxycodone. If used over a long period of time, oxycodone causes dependence in the user (Profile: Oxycodone). On the other hand, marijuana not only helps with chronic pain in many patients, but it also sidesteps the negative side effects that come along with most prescription painkillers (Weiss). It is morally wrong to allow patients to continually suffer from the negative side affects of their prescribed drugs, when there is a safe and logical alternative – marijuana. Not only does marijuana act as an analgesic, it also aids a variety, and can even prevent, of other illnesses. These include, but are not limited to: ADD/ADHD, Alzheimer’s, Anorexia, Arthritis, Asthma, Atherosclerosis, Chemotherapy, Diabetes, Depression, Epilepsy, Fibromyalgia, Glaucoma, Heart and Cardiovascular Disease, Hepatits, Herpes, HIV and AIDS, Multiple Sclerosis, Neuropathic Pain, Osteoporosis, Parkinson’s Disease, and Post traumatic stress syndrome (Cannabis Research). With all of these different illnesses come consequences, which include their associated prescriptions. Like all prescriptions, one runs the risk of an accidental overdose. However, with marijuana there have been no reported overdoses. According to government authorities, one would have to either smoke 1/3 of their body weight within a time of 15 minutes ("Lethal Dose of Maijuana").
    \tWith marijuana’s multiple medicinal advantages, one may begin to wonder why it is prohibited. While the lungs exposure to marijuana smoke over causes a slight decrease in lung capacity (no research proves this thus far), there are safe alternatives. One way is through the means of ingestion. There are a variety of ways to prepare marijuana in food, and it is a perfectly safe alternative to smoking. Another perfectly safe alternative is the act of vaporizing.
    \tVaporization is a technique for avoiding irritating respiratory toxins in marijuana smoke by heating cannabis to a temperature where the psychoactive ingredients evaporate without causing combustion. You inhale a low-temperature vapor instead of actual smoke (Marijuana Vaporizers).
    This allows for the same medical and psychoactive benefits of marijuana, without any harmful toxins being inhaled into your lungs. It leads one to ask “Why not?”
    \tSadly, there are even more false arguments against marijuana use. The majority of people believe that if marijuana were to be legalized, it would cause many “high-driving” incidents. Supposedly, marijuana use hinders one’s driving ability. Yet again, ignorance is the disease, and research is the vaccine. In fact, marijuana use has actually shown to increase caution in drivers, as they are aware of their state of mind. This causes them to drive slower and less dangerously. Also, research has not been able to link a higher risk of a traffic collision in people who drive while under marijuana’s influence. For example, a recent study sponsored by the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) involving analysis of nearly 2000 fatal accident cases, found 6.7 % of drivers positive for marijuana. In more than two-thirds of those, alcohol was present and may have been the primary contributor to the fatal outcome (Zimmer).
    \tAsides from refuting all of the misinformed arguments against marijuana, and stating its potential for being used for multiple medicinal reasons, there is yet another significant reason behind the legalization of marijuana – its nutritional benefits. The seeds of marijuana, known as hemp seeds, contain all of the amino acids known to man, which includes 8 that the human body can't make, and 2 which the body can't make in sufficient quantity. If you are knowledgeable about seeds, then you can respond with a quizzical reply of “well, they aren't the only seeds that consist of all of the amino acids... Flax seeds, and many others, do as well.” True, but the significance in the hemp seed doesn't lie solely in the fact that it contains all amino acids, but that 65% of the hemp seed's is globulin edistin. That is the largest percentage of globulin edistin in any substance known in the plant kingdom Here's a quick note on globulin edistin protein:
    \t“Globulins are one of seven classes of simple proteins. Simple proteins are constructed \tfrom amino acids and contain no non-protein substances. Globulins are in seeds and \tanimal blood. Edistins are found in seeds; serum globulin is in blood. Edistins are plant \tglobulins. And globulins along with albumins are classified as globular proteins. All \tenzymes, antibodies, many hormones, hemoglobin and fibrogin (the body converts \tfibrogin into non-soluble, fibrin, a blood clotting agent) are globular proteins. They carry \tout the main work of living.”
    \t“Globulin is the third most abundant protein in the human body. Globulins perform many \tenzymatic (causing reactions to take place) functions within the plasma itself. More \timportantly, they are responsible for both the natural and acquired immunity a person has \tagainst invading organisms. The body uses globulin proteins to make antibodies which \tattack infecting agents (antigens) that invade the body. Globulins like gamma globulin \tare absolutely essential to maintain a healthy immune system. They neutralize alien \tmicroorganisms and toxins.”
    And, finally:
    \t“Since hemp seed protein is 65% globulin edistin, and also includes quantities of \talbumin, its protein is readily available in a form quite similar to that found in blood \tplasma. Eating hemp seeds gives the body all the essential amino acids required to \tmaintain health, and provides the necessary kinds and amounts of amino acids the body \tneeds to make human serum albumin and serum globulins like the immune enhancing \tgamma globulins. Eating hemp seeds could aid, if not heal, people suffering from \timmune deficiency diseases. This conclusion is supported by the fact that hemp seed \twas used to treat nutritional deficiencies brought on by tuberculosis, a severe \tnutrition blocking disease that causes the body to waste away.“ (Osburn 14-15)
    Not only does cannabis possess all of the essential amino acids with 65% of its protein being globulin edistin, it ALSO consists of the two essential fatty acids, EFAs, that the humans require – Omega 3 and Omega 6. To add on to this picture of perfection, in a study analyzing the optimum ratio for Omega 3 and Omega 6 consumption, hemp seed oil is the closest to this golden ratio. A reminder for the importance of EFAs as well:
    \t“EFAs are utilized by many of the body's systems to maintain proper tissue function. \tEFAs are required for energy production, proper functioning of the nervous system, brain \tdevelopment and function, skin health and elasticity, digestive efficiency, normal \tcardiovascular function, hormone production, and efficient immune response. Studies \thave shown that GLA improves memory, and overall mental health, as well as reducing \tsymptoms of skin ailments like eczema and even fibrocystic disease.” (“Hemp Seed Nutrition”)
    \tIt is morally and logically wrong for the continued prohibition of marijuana. If one does not condone research as the foundation of the legalization of any potentially harmful substance, then what? Marijuana use should be legal within the private confines of an individual’s house. If not legal for all, marijuana should be legal as a medical drug for peoples in all 50 states. Marijuana has been proven safe and its prohibition is lawfully, morally, and logically wrong.
    \t "Prohibition...goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded."
    -- Abraham Lincoln
    December, 1840

    American Association for Cancer Research. "Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor \tGrowth In Half, Study Shows." ScienceDaily 17 April 2007. 9 December 2008 \t<­ /releases/2007/04/070417193338.htm>.
    Bates, Karl. " Study fails to find link between marijuana use and cancer." The University \tRECORD Online 16 Oct 2006 9 Dec 2008 \t<>.
    Battle, Allen. Web Chat interview. 15 May 2005. \t<>
    Boyles. Salynn. "Marijuana Does Not Raise Lung Cancer Risk," FOX News 23 May 2006. 9 \tDec 2008 <,2933,196678,00.html>
    "Cannabis Research." Above the IGNORANCE. Above The IGNORANCE. 9 Dec 2008 \t<>.
    "Cannabis smoke 'worse' than tobacco," BBCNews 11 Nov 2002. 9 Dec 2008 \t<>
    Cushing, Raymond. "Pot Shrinks Tumors; Government Knew in '74." AlterNet 31 May 2000 \t1-2. 9 Dec 2008 <>.
    DeLisi, Lynn. "A preliminary DTI study showing no brain structural change associated with \tadolescent cannabis use." Harm Reduction Journal 3:179 May 2006 9 Dec 2008 \t<>.
    Erowid, "Cannabis Basics." EROWID. 8 July 2007. Erowid. 9 Dec 2008 \t<>.

    Gardner, Fred. "Smoking Cannabis Does Not Cause Cancer Of Lung or Upper Airways, \tTashkin FInds; Data Suggests Possible Protective Effect." California Cannabis \tResearch Medical Group 2005 9 Dec 2008 \t<>
    "Hemp 101." Living Harvest - Hemp Seed Nutrition Web.10 May 2009. \t<\tbin/ncommerce3/ExecMacro/livingharvest/hemp101.d2w/report>.
    Hess. Michael "Moderate Marijuana Use Helpful in ADHD Cocaine Addicts," BBSNews \t10 Dec 2006. 9 Dec \t2008 <>
    "Marijuana Vaporizers." weedsthatplease. 15 Dec 2008 \t<>.
    "Marijuana: The Facts." Drug Policy Alliance Network. Drug Policy Alliance Network. 9 \tDec 2008 <>.
    Markoff, Stephen. "Is Marijuana Addictive?." Is Marijuana Addictive? 15 May 1997 9 Dec 2008
    Addictive marijuana?
    Osburn, Lynn. "HEMP SEED: THE MOST NUTRITIONALLY COMPLETE FOOD SOURCE IN THE \tWORLD ." Hemp Line Journal 1(1992): 14-15. Print.
    "Profile: Oxycodone." The Center for Substance Abuse Research. 9 Dec \t2008 <>. University Of Saskatchewan.
    "University Of Saskatchewan Research Suggests Marijuana Analogue Stimulates \tBrain \tCell Growth." ScienceDaily 16 October 2005. 9 December 2008 \t<­ /releases/2005/10/051016083817.htm>.
    Weiss. Rick. "Research Supports Medicinal Marijuana AIDS Patients in Controlled Study Had Significant Pain Relief," Washington Post 13 Feb 2007. 9 Dec 2008 Research Supports Medicinal Marijuana -
    "What is the lethal dose of marijuana? ." Schaffer Library of Drug Policy. 9 Dec 2008 \t<>.
    Zimmer, Lynn. "Marijuana Myths, Claim No. 12." EROWID. 1995. Erowid. 15 \tDec \t2008 \t<>.

    Edit: Tried to kill some of the aggressiveness in the intro paragraph. Also fixed the wording of the 2nd paragraph.

    Edit 2: Dampened some of the aggressive throughout the paragraph. Also fixed some of the wording concerning the addictiveness point. Mainly just bringing down the bias throughout the paper. Put in the negative side effect of marijuana - decreased lung capacity. This brings the bias down greatly. Fixed some of the cites. All of these are websites so there are no page numbers, only author/site (what to use if there is no author according to MLA) name.

    Edit 3: Put in the bibliography for better reference.

    Edit 4: Put in the nutritional values of marijuana. :D
  2. you put in a lot of resources aa
  3. Just a few critiques
    -I think you use the opening "In fact, ..." too much, along with other opening clauses
    -You say "or so the general populous believes". I don't think anyone should make an assumption about what everyone believes
    -You say that smoking causes a decrease in lung capacity, then you say that there is no research that supports that statement.

    I think thats about it. Pretty good paper I'd say.
  4. i saw your first post.
    i'm not really beating around the bush about its negative effects...
    i just haven't added the paragraph in yet.

    all there is, is a more susceptibility to oral and lung tract infections, and a SLIGHTLY lower lung capacity over extraneous use.
  5. lol

    well i meant what i said but i didnt want to be harsh or a dick but i still stand by it

    sounds like a lot of "generalized" ideas and revolves around the point of like "smoking marijuana has no negative side effects" when there is an abundance of research regarding inhalation of anything for that matter which is just as applicable to marijuana smoke
  6. I only read the first paragraph but I would start it with a "To explain why marijuana should be legalized we must first examine while it is illegal in the first place," Then give a brief overview of the tax stamp hearing, about how the spokesman for the AMA telling them there is no reason for it to be illegal then the spokesman getting accused of his motives and told...

    The chairman went on to read an editorial from the Washington Times (Owned by William Randolph Hearst) which stated no facts, claimed marijuana to be "fatal" and "deadly"

    And marijuana was illegal just like that yellow journalism beats science.

    Later on the floor of the house this conversation happened.

    Great article about the history of marijuana
  7. The outlawing of a single plant species has brought about the most expensive and unnecessary war ever fought on American soil. The cannabis sativa plant, known as marijuana, has been cultivated for three main purposes: recreational use, industrial goods, and for medicinal treatment. Outlawed because of internal feelings and lack of investigation, the single plant has totaled over 10 million prisoner of war arrests at the cost of 7.5 billion in tax dollars annually. While the federal government doesn't mind throwing away our precious tax dollars an article from unveil the public's feelings. “Most Americans do not want to spend scarce public funds incarcerating nonviolent marijuana offenders, at a cost of $23,000 per year.” We are paying a hefty price in tax funds while incarcerating criminals who are no threat to society?
    Hemp has been used industrially throughout America since the 16th century. The higher quality fiber and fewer caustic chemicals resulst in a more durable page. It is also found “the first bibles, maps, the first drafts of the declaration of independence and constitution were made from hemp” according to an article from The cannabis plant is an easy and free supply of natural medicine and industrial resources. Unfortunately cultivation of the plant will have you rooming with convicts. An article from prohibition reveals that by “replacing marijuana prohibition with a system of taxation similar to that used for alcoholic beverages would produce combined savings and tax revenues of between $10 billion and $14 billion per year.” It looks as if there actually was a light at the end of the trillion dollar deficit.

    The United States government had encouraged the growth of cannabis during the 17th century, helping promote the cultivation of hemp, in an attempt to benefit from the plants industrial resources. At one point Virginia passed legislation requiring every farmer to cultivate hemp, in some commonly grown states, currency would be exchanged in hemp form. In 1910, however, a revolution in Mexico broke out, forcing refuges into American borders. These Spanish speaking newcomers arose feelings of fear and prejudices among the public. The immigration brought with them their culture and costumes, one of which was recreational use of cannabis. These immigrants were the first to introduce to American society to cannabis inhaled recreationally. The plant was portrayed as “evil” and anti-drug campaigns attributed violence and sex crimes towards Mexicans who used it. In response to publics fear, congress passed the marijuana tax act in 1937, which criminalized possession of the plant. After an actual investigation of the plant seven years later by the New York Academy of Medicine, they revealed its findings in the La Guardia report. In the report it found marijuana to be less dangerous and contrary to earlier belief, marijuana did not increase violence, insanity, or sex crimes. Useful information which wasn't present during the passage of the marijuana tax act which criminalizes possession of the plant.

    Unfortunately for the ill, the cannabis plant plays a large roll in treating medical illnesses. Chinese records date the earliest cultivation of marijuana for medicinal purposes back to 28 B.C. According to an article and “thirty percent of all medicines used 100 to 200 years ago were made out of compounds of natural marijuana.” In spite of the new findings in research, only thirteen of the fifty U.S. states have legalized medicinal marijuana. No matter the state decision, the federal government doesn't recognize sate law. The conflicting authority allows the DEA to raid and confiscate medicinal prescriptions for medical marijuana patients. With over ten illnesses cannabis treats, raids on the dispensaries are limiting patient's access to prescription carriers. An article at “studies have suggested a wide range of possible therapeutic effects of cannabidiol on several conditions including Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, cerebral ischemia, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, other inflammatory diseases, nausea and cancer.”
    The cannabis plant is classified as a schedule I substance, defined by possessing high potential for abuse and providing no medicinal value. Officially declared a “War on Drugs” in 1971. The supreme court ruled the federal government can prosecute medical marijuana patients in 2005 in the Raich v Gonzales case. An article from drug “A drugs ability to affect the neural systems related to dopamine production has no become the defining characteristic of drugs with serious abuse potential. According to the congressional office of technology assessment, research over the last 10 years have proved marijuana has no dopamine-related brain systems.” While other drugs are legalized, they produce 100% more deaths than marijuana alone. According to the following legal drugs kill annually “tobacco 450,000, alcohol 150,000, legal drug overdoses 27,000, illicit drug overdoses 5,200, caffeine 5,000, and aspirin 1,000.” So if new research is telling us the plant isn't high addictive and holds medicinal properties, why do we still have a war on nature and our citizens?
  8. bloody great paper mate there are so many more health pros from smoking mary jane than i thought fully Sick :hello:
  9. Thankss

    Yea. i have even more stuff to add (such as pheonix tears, which is hemp oil which can supposedly cure some terminal cancers)
  10. can you post up those sources??
  11. Kind of old topic, don't know if you've turned in your paper or whatever, but here's my opinion

    I say you should try breaking it up into more seperate paragraphs if you want to make it more readable, big chunks of text are never welcoming

    And also, longer doesn't always mean better, i know there is so much you can and want to pack into the essay, but summarizing it down and giving straight, to-the-point facts in an impacting way is good, putting a lot of facts in that fashion keeps the emphasis strong and the reader interested

    Jack Herer also has a bunch of useful information in his famous book online, topics are organized into seperate chapters, and he has a whole huge list of sources sited, you can find it here: Jack Herer - Chapters

  12. its a working project, even though i've already turned it in.

    And it is broken it up correctly; Grasscity just auto formatted it to look that way :/.

    Thanks for the critique, though i don't understand how it seems like its too long
  13. Well the paper is good, i just thought some parts were a bit stretched out thats all, like you talked about globulins for about 3 paragraphs i believe, but other than a few things like that its a fine work

  14. Yeaa i was iffy abuot that after i typed it... its mainly all the quotes explaining what they are and blahblahblah. i feel that its needed because the average reader won't know whati 'm talinga bout, and giving background info adds to the paper's credibility and the overall potential for comprehension.

    Exactly what lines do you feel should be removed?

  15. you might want to add something about how you can use marijuana leaves to make hemp paper, which is much more durable than regular paper, and it saves trees:D
  16. You're right.
    i'll definitely get to work on that.
    i'll make a stance on how it's good for the environment, which is especially critical at this turning point in our global ecology.
  17. There are many reasons it is illegal but they all have to do with money!

    Great Reefer Madness Quotes:

    “In the past we have had officers of this department shot and killed by marihuana addicts and we have traced the act of murder directly to the influence of marihuana, with no other motive. We have found from long experience and dealing with this type of criminal that marihuana is probably the most dangerous of all our narcotic drugs.”J.F. Taylor, Chief of Detectives L.A.P.D -
    [Fraternal Order of Police Journal - Jan. 1933]

    Marijuana causes far more than mere moral degeneration--it breaks down the mentality of its slaves. THE KEYNOTE - Jan/Feb 1941 - Detroit Federation of Musicians Union

    HIGH SCHOOL, youngsters who turn to banditry for thrills, girls who leap from skyscraper windows, striplings who chop their parents to death . . . .The list of holdups, sex crimes, murders and suicides by marijuana addicts could be multiplied indefinitely. THE CHRISTIAN CENTURY - June 29, 1938

    In some districts, inhabited by Latin Americans, Filipinos, Spaniards and Negroes, half the violent crimes are attributed to marijuana craze. Dr. Lee Rice of San Antonio reports that eighty per cent of all the murders committed by Mexicans are done while the killers are drugged by marijuana.THE CHRISTIAN CENTURY - June 29, 1938

    -- Winner -- Great math of the year award:
    Investigator found abandoned in fields in Iowa and Minnesota between 12,000 and 15,000 pounds of harvested hemp -- enough to make thirty billion [Marihuana] cigarettes and to drug the whole population of the United States. THE CHRISTIAN CENTURY - June 29, 1938

    [Marihuana's] bodily reactions usually include muscular-trembling, increased heartbeat, accelerated pulse and a ringing in the ears. Often the user feels hot in the head, becomes dizzy and has sensations of cold in the hands and feet. Later he experiences muscular contractions, constrictions in the chest and dilation of the eye pupils. These effects lead to either vomiting or stupefaction, followed by restless sleep filled with bizarre kaleidoscopic visions. THE CHRISTIAN CENTURY - June 29, 1938

    The influence of marijuana as a cause of crime would be hard to overestimate. With the victim experiencing hallucination and violent rages, he is likely to run-amuck and commit crimes he would not have nerve enough to attempt if he were in his right mind. THE CHRISTIAN CENTURY - June 29, 1938

    Some of the so-called “jazz hounds” who think that their talents show off the best when “high [on Marihuana]” should take a trip to Eloise Hospital and see the wrecked human beings there, gibbering idiots . . Now they can't think at all! THE KEYNOTE - Jan/Feb 1941 - Detroit Federation of Musicians Union

    When asked the question, “Is marihuana a starter drug?” Drug Czar Harry Anslinger answered: ”- Congressional record - The Marihuana tax act hearings of 1937
    [Marihuana use] - “In many instances the preliminary stimulation soon gives way to apprehension, and to a terror and feeling of persecution which not infrequently lead to violence and crime, sexual aberrations or even suicide.“ The American Scholar (Phi Beta Kappa Society) Winter 1938/39

    “Repeated use of it [Marihuana] has led to mental weakness, dullness and an insanity either of a violent sort in which the victim is pursued by terrible sense-illusions, with insomnia and acute mania, or of an imbecile-lethargic kind, resulting in incurable dementia. . . . .Children of addicts are said to be inferior; in some parts of India, where hashish has long been used to excess, whole communities are imbecilic and morally degraded.”The American Scholar (Phi Beta Kappa Society) Winter 1938/39

    “The onset of physical degeneration caused by continued smoking of hemp appears to be long delayed. Several years may pass before deterioration becomes obvious. One hashish addict, admittedly an unusual case, lived for 20 years in spite of excessive use of the drug. Eventually, however, he died insane. “The American Scholar (Phi Beta Kappa Society) Winter 1938/39

    “Authorities Warn Against Spread of Marijuana Habit - Insanity, Degeneracy and Violence Follow Use of Weed” - (Actual front page headline)- BELOIT DAILY NEWS (Beloit, Wisconsin) Feb. 10, 1938 pg1.
    Chief of Detectives Herbert A. Schultz “Does not think that the narcotic [Marihuana] can be used here to any extent. If it were being sold in wholesale quantities, somebody would be getting violent,”- BELOIT DAILY NEWS (Beloit, Wisconsin) Feb. 10, 1938 pg1.

    “Users of marijuana become stimulated as they inhale the drug and are likely to do anything. Most crimes of violence in this section, especially in country districts, are laid to users of the drug.”New York Times - Sep.16, 1934
    “The weed acts as a powerful aphrodisiac and renders users capable of various acts of violence; a California man decapitated his best friend while under the violent spell of the smoke, and a Florida youngster put the ax to his mother and father.” Newsweek Magazine - Aug. 14, 1937

    "Marihuana produces a wide variety of symptoms in the user, including hilarity, swooning, and sexual excitement ... it often makes the smoker vicious, with a desire to fight and kill."Scientific American - March 1936

    “Marihuana is “a more dangerous drug than heroin or cocaine.” Authority for this statement is United States Commissioner of Narcotics H. J. Anslinger. . . . the drug is adhering to its Old World traditions of murder, assault, rape, physical demoralization, and mental breakdown.”Scientific American - May 1938

    "[Marijuana] is highly intoxicating and constitutes an ever recurring problem where there are Mexicans or Spanish-Americans of the lower classes."New York Times- Dec. 3, 1933 - Pg. 6, Sec. 4.

    Mrs. Hamilton Wright, (representative of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics) characterized marihuana as the "most pernicious" of drugs. She said it produced in smokers of the weed a temporary sense of complete irresponsibility which led to sex crimes and other "horrible" acts of violence.”New York Times - May 4, 1937

    "Marihuana influences Negroes to look at white people in the eye, step on white men's shadows and look at a white woman twice." Hearst newspapers nationwide, 1935

    "Marihuana makes fiends of boys in thirty days -- Hashish goads users to bloodlust." Hearst newpapers nationwide circa 1936

    "Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing" Federal Bureau of Narcotics Chief Harry J. Anslinger, 1948
    "Permanent brain damage is one of the inevitable results of the use of marijuana." Ronald Reagan 1974

    "Marijuana leads to homosexuality ... and therefore to AIDS." White House Drug Czar Carlton Turner 1986

    "Marijuana is ten times more dangerous than twenty years ago. Presidential candidate Bill Clinton 1992

    Not a reefer madness quote but my all time favorite, well worth passing on:

    When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Jimi Hendrix


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