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Paper jar divider

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Kaboose420, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. Okay so I figured this would be the appropriate area since it has to do with my stash jar itself.

    I currently only have one jar for my stash, fits about 1.5-2 oz. Right now I only have a little less then an oz but it is three different strains so I used some plain white printing paper and made a three way divider to fit inside.

    My question is, does anybody KNOW if this could potentially leech anything into the buds. Like I said it is plain white printing paper so there is no ink but I know various chemicals are used in making it. I figured it would be okay tho but I wanted to get some second opinions on this.

    Thanks in advanced! :wave:
  2. Hmm... I'd think that potentially it could have the THC leech onto the paper? I mean, paper tends to absorb things. Also, with all the chemicals that goes into making the paper brilliantly white I'd be afraid of that touching something you'll be ingesting/taking into your body!
    What if you just separate it with paper and then put them in baggies?
  3. The paper won't have any chemicals in it that could evaporate and be harmful to us, otherwise they may float into the air or come into contanct with our hands day in and day out
  4. itll be fine... and thanks for the idea.

    lately ill have like a jar filled half way with og kush, another with a bit of afghan, another with a gram of another.

    thank you so damn much.

    mine is going to be better than yours though, ill probably make it out of cardboard or plastic.
  5. Maybe not chemicals that could evaporate and be totally harmful, but they do have unnecessary chemicals that maybe you'd want to avoid.
    I'm saying that as a person who is pretty healthy, but will break into a rash if I handle too many paper products like that.
    If anything, I think it would just absorb the THC. XD
  6. [quote name='"Broses"']itll be fine... and thanks for the idea.

    lately ill have like a jar filled half way with og kush, another with a bit of afghan, another with a gram of another.

    thank you so damn much.

    mine is going to be better than yours though, ill probably make it out of cardboard or plastic.[/quote]

    Yeah I considered using brown paper bags because people use them for drying so I figured those would def be okay. Let me know if you come up with any good ideas Id love to know.

    I was gonna use plastic but decided not to because I felt the trics would stick to it easier then paper. Also I heard somewhere that thc can break down soft plastics so I didn't want to take any chances. Same reason I hate keeping my bud in bags, plus you loose so many trics. At least in a jar you can rinse it out with some iso and keep all that sticky goodness.
  7. It might.dry your weed out also, paper does absorb moisture. And might loose some trichomes too
  8. U could get some a couple giftcards from somewhere and make easy divider for jar just cut to jar size(may be too small tho since u say ur jar holds oz or 2 which is fairly large) that way u don't have to worry about leeching or it removiing moisture from ur bud.
  9. Don't worry about a thing, that divider is a good idea, I've done it before too..tho it was crude
  10. [quote name='"Iluvatar"']Don't worry about a thing, that divider is a good idea, I've done it before too..tho it was crude[/quote]

  11. [quote name='"Kaboose420"']


    Not very good, like it was a divider that wasnt perfect but serves.its.purpose
  12. [quote name='"Ajs"']

    Not very good, like it was a divider that wasnt perfect but serves.its.purpose[/quote]

    Oh okay I gotcha

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