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Coronavirus COVID-19 Panicking , need help

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Enzo$&@123, Mar 27, 2023.

  1. I just went through the whole RSO process. I realized that I used both 99 & 70
    I still have everything in front of me. Is there any way to salvage this ?

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  2. Are you saying there's water in your oil or is it your concern the 70% didn't extract well? I'm guessing it's the latter. Did you only process one batch of weed and did you use the 99% for the first wash and the 70% for the second or do you know?
  3. Yes, the later
    It was a 70 first and 99 second
    I have all the scraps used.
    The 2 washes have been combined

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  4. I'm greatly confused by the alarmist banner regarding Coronavirus - exactly what does it have to do with your extraction process?
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  5. Let go the anxiety, you didn't hurt anything. Combining the washes is fine, you can get the extra water out when the alcohol is gone by increasing the temp to around 220F. If you're decarbing the oil then getting the water out is automatic.

    Sorry, I can't think of anything you haven't thought of. Pretend you never did the 70% wash and your 99% wash was the first so give it another wash with 99% or just pile it up and trickle some over it letting it drain, kinda like using an extraction column. The second wash is mainly to recover the oil-bearing alcohol from the first wash.
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  6. Ok great. I appreciate your timely help.
    As for the CV banner, I have no idea

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  7. I finished the above RSO but noticed little flecks occurring at the bottom of the bowl during the evaporation on the magnetic spinner/heater.
    It was a liquid that was free of any scraps.
    Any ideas what went wrong ?

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