Have you found out what causes your panic attacks? If I smoke to much energetic sativa 2+ grams to myself my body ontop of being who I am, goes nuts. But comes to any other bud that doesnt hype you up, good to go. Tested. anyone else?
Weed has never given me a panic attack that wasn't brought on by something worth panicking about happening. I'm more stressed in sobriety than I am high
When im blazing I actually dont get any negative side effects , its bliss but when im not blazing I always get a bad feeling in my chest , really uncomfortable , fast breathing its really horrible I need some beta blockers or some shit but doctor wont give me them , instead wants me to go to some therapy or some shit so fuck that , ive got some off those dodgy beta blockers from the prescription websites in india on the way over now so i should be ok when they arrive
[quote name='"aaron12321"']When im blazing I actually dont get any negative side effects , its bliss but when im not blazing I always get a bad feeling in my chest , really uncomfortable , fast breathing its really horrible I need some beta blockers or some shit but doctor wont give me them , instead wants me to go to some therapy or some shit so fuck that , ive got some off those dodgy beta blockers from the prescription websites in india on the way over now so i should be ok when they arrive[/quote] Rip Aaron...