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Palpatations Question

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Buddalicious, May 25, 2016.

  1. #1 Buddalicious, May 25, 2016
    Last edited: May 25, 2016
    Around Mid-July of 2014 I walked to see my friend who was about 5km away to smoke some weed; we smoked about 2 joints and I headed back home after about 2km my chest started to pound really fast like this (imagine the fullstop as a heartbeat) . . . ........... . . . ..........., I was paranoid that if I stopped walking around I would die and my heart did this constantly for about a day. For about a month or so my heart would randomly palpitate when I was walking and such; I stopped smoking for awhile after that. On September, 28th, 2014 I figured I was fine (I only remember the date because the Family Guy/Simpsons crossover was on and I wanted to watch it stoned so I checked on iMDB) I bought some weed and I smoked it outside, I think it was a fairly warm outside to as I smoked it around 5:00 or so. Anyways; the same thing happened that day plus I was throwing up but it was a lot worse and I was having the palpitations for about 4 months afterwards.

    A few things I should probably add is:
    - We were using the person whom I bought it off of's the second times grinder.
    - It was sativa both times and I usually smoked indica dominant strains.
    - They were both fairly hot days.
    - It was by no means the first time I smoked.

    Now, my question is am I ever going to be able to smoke it again or at the very lest grow it again because I have a friend who basically needs it for his MS and he wants me to grow it for him. If If I should wait how long would you recommend waiting?

    Anyways, thanks grasscity for any help you can give me :)
  2. I recommend you see a doctor. smh
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  3. I did, they found nothing wrong with my heart but an abnormal heartbeat rhythm specifically a skip between heartbeats. It was the strength of the heartbeats too that bothered me. It was by no means the first time I smoked either just to clarify.
  4. Heart race increases on weed so its normal. I wouldnt over think it
  5. I know but prior to that it never happened to the point I noticed so much even when I smoked regularly. Aside from that a friend told me that is not normal and they've been smoking a lot longer than I ever did. Basically my heart was beating as hard as it would if I went for a long run but it was beating very fast and wouldn't slow down. It's hard to explain to be honest, I mean I just remember it was very unpleasant and fairly scary as it was almost a year and a half ago its a bit hard to remember but like I was throwing up and everything the second time.
  6. Sounds like u just got too high and ur heart beated faster. Its normal when your high. I wouldnt worry too much about it. Even the doctors say your fine
  7. Would it be wise to grow it myself and only smoke low thc strains?
  8. Palpations are normal and you probably had them every time you smoked but didn't notice. Now it's what you concentrate on when you smoke and anxiety just makes it worse. If you don't want to quit try smoking less per session.
  9. I'm a bit of a hypochondriac tbh so that is definitely difficult for me. I think i'll give it a few more years if I do as I started smoking very heavily when I was at a fairly early age so it would probably be wise to in general give my body a break and considering my grandmother has cannabis induced schizophrenia I have a possibility of getting that as well if I continue as I was. I mean my biggest concern currently is I'm in Canada and they're planning on legalizing recreational cannabis next year so I'm definitely going to need to adjust to it so it doesn't bother me as much. It makes complete sense that it's in my head because the first thing that comes to mind when I smell it is "Fuck, I don't want that feeling again". I'm guessing with that mentality I should never smoke it again should I?
  10. If you're going to worry about it then maybe smoking isn't a good idea. Smoke very small amounts and get your tolerance up. When you no longer give a shit if you die from smoking then you'll be able to smoke comfortably.
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  11. Alright, thanks for the info; if/when I do start smoking again i'll just smoke the leaves for the first few months to get my tolerance up.

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