Palestinian firemen put differences aside

Discussion in 'Politics' started by xraygord, Dec 5, 2010.

  1. For those that don't know, Israel is experiencing a major disaster with forest fires. Russia, Canada the US have all sent help.

    And yes the Palestinians decided to send help also..

    Finally a show of humanity, there is hope guys....:)

    Israel forest fire: European firefighting planes fly in to help | World news | The Guardian
  2. If this was facebook I would "like" the fuck out of this news :D
  3. Good on em'! Hopefully this will lead to peace talks
  4. International crews help Israel fight forest fire | Reuters

    Maybe a sign that its not the Israeli people that are disliked but perhaps just its government and its actions ?

    Hopefully this will show the average Israeli that there is hope...

    Lets just keep this one positive people....:)

  5. Well said, in my eyes this is indeed a step forward.

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