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Pakistan thou art great

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bhangii, Oct 6, 2012.

  1. so im from pakistan.. well my parents are anyway.. i was born in the states

    and all this time i thought pakistan was a good-for-nothing country filled with corrupt politicians and their crazy laws, radical extremists and other wackjobs

    then i found out that pakistan is home to some of the best, if not THE best weed in the world.. at least theyre doing something right

    theres even a strain named after the weed that grows in the foothills of the hindu kush mountains that go through pakistan and afghanistan..

    i mean come on.. even the name of these mountains is hindu KUSH.. im pretty sure thats why kush is called kush and its known throughout the world..

    have u guys ever smoked any pakistani kush? its some seriously good shit im thinking about growing some just so i can tell people that that bomb ass shit theyre smoking is from my country.. hell yea :smoke:
  2. Good find, captain obvious.
  3. read a book
  4. Don't think I have smoked any unless I was never told the actual strain which the majority of the time I have no name but i'd love to see weed from Pakistan or see a weed field in Pakistan.
  5. Isn't having weed punishable by death or some shit like that?
  6. some historians, sociologists etc., may say the best weed in the world, whatever it is, would not make up for a fourth of the shit the country has done
  7. na i dont think they would kill u for weed lol it grows all over the place

    and yes pakistan does so much stupid shit that no amount of good weed could make up for it

  8. I really hope that's sarcasm.
  9. and u thought ur anti pot laws were strict hahaha.. who knew getting chopped cud get ur head chopped off lol
  10. Kush comes from the Hindu-Kush Mountains?!

    Inform the scientists!

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