If I were to paint my black growbags green, would the paint affect my plants when they were planted in the painted bags?
What material are your grow bags made of? Plastic... paint 'em on the outside. Cloth... better not paint them. If you do, you negate the breathability of the pot and of course take the risk of your roots contacting paint as they grow close to the perimeter of the pot. I'm pretty sure that paint is toxic to roots. You trying to be stealthy with on outdoor grow? Why are you painting your pots? wak
I want it to be as stealthy as possible. I've seen 30 gallon camo grow bags, 12 for $50 which is a rip off. I just want to know if the plants would be alright in painted bags with the sun beating down on them
As long as the paint is on the outside and doesnt leach through the sides of the bags when watering. As for how long it would last without fading is a guess.
I'd be worried about leaching. Even though it likely wouldn't become an issue, I wouldn't risk it. I think you'd be better off trying to find some cheap camo fabric to wrap around your bags. Something like this perhaps: Springs Creative True Timber Camo 100% Nylon Fabric by the Yard, Taslite: Crafts : Walmart.com Just a suggestion, though something tells me it may ending costing more than it's worth.