painkillers + caffine

Discussion in 'General' started by waterhurley, Nov 18, 2006.

  1. i got some percs i wanna pop before work but i just wanted to know weather it was a bad idea or not to mix them with say coffee and red bull.
  2. I thinks it fine. I drank some red bull last night while I was on morphine.

    Im no docter though
  3. T-3s have codeine and caffeine in em, although not really large quantities. I'm sure there's worse combinations out there, but like greenlantern said, I'm no doctor.
  4. I popped a bunch of painkillers today (for actual pain this time) and had a bunch of coffee just this morning and i feel fine. i do it all the tie cuz the shit i take gets you pretty drowsy.
  5. i never get drowsy. i get like a warm body feele im disconnected from my auctual body. i love it. and it relaxes me. AWSOMe for work since i do sales and im ealisy stressed haha

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