Pain over girl part II: Obtaining my stuff back

Discussion in 'General' started by Krispy Kush, Jun 7, 2008.

  1. well i'm a lot better about this whole issue if you read my last thread about my ex plus i got pussy that night i made the thread; but the bitch ***my ex (not the girl i slept with) sorry i'm real blazed and didn't realize that people would think it was a booty call*** wont gimme all my shit back shes ignoring my calls, any ideas? i mean i wanna go to her house but her dad is a hunter and i don't wanna shotty put into my mouth lol how should i come about getting my bluntwraps, cigar cutter, empty wallet, schoolwork i left at her house, stuffed animals, her $300 purse i bought her, i'm such an ass hole i want the fucking shoes i bought her back just to burn lol and she said she would give me it all back but she wont answer her phone...

    I realized after all that I should let her keep her shoes and purse those were both gifts for her bday and xmas and i guess im sorry for acting like a child to all of GC im 18 for gods sake and thats just stupid childish shit ...but i did take back my bluntwraps, cigar cutter, and wallet those were rightfully mine but the weird thing is she doesnt even want her thong back that she left at my house once? isnt that a little odd? and we went out for a year
  2. Here's an idea, how about you stop posting new threads everytime and just use the same one.
  3. Here's an idea, chill out broski it's a forum nothing meaningful in life at all it was an accident won't do it again don't need to be rude about it
  4. Here's an idea, grow some balls and take your shit back. No dad is gunna kill his daughters ex over some shoes and a purse.
  5. Here's an idea, maybe someone should make an OFFICIAL sob-story thread about girlfriends and relationship advice. The amount of these threads is simply astounding.
  6. Ermm....knock the door up

    if the dad do any shit to you.. Call the cop or...just fuck his shit up afterward.
  7. Seconded.

    I hope this motion passes.
  8. Your right ill be fine the guys still fuckin half crazy bro im just cautious im a stoner and a little paranoid lol and stop bitching about making a sob story thread it wasnt meant to be sad it was meant to ask for advice
  9. There is no getting things back in relationship. If she was borrowing things from you, then you could definitely get it all back. You gave her the purse, the shoes, and whatever else, so those belong to her.

    Next time don't spoil a girl like that!
  10. Just be a man and go pick up your belongings like a civil human being.

    BTW - If it was a gift, the purse is her's. Thats just the rules man.
  11. My fiance's ex had her mom go and take back gifts she gave to him after they broke up. That shit is so stupid. If you gave it to them as a gift, it's theirs. Get what's yours and move on.
  12. Just leave it and move on, really just not worth the hassle..
  13. You cant take back gifts, who the fuck does that? As far as the law is concerned if you gave those to her as gifts there is no way in hell you are getting them back. Dont be so sour, be a man, move the fuck on.
  14. long were you two together when you bought that?
  15. Taking back a gift is some childish shit.

    Grow up and go get YOUR shit back, leave HER purse.
  16. heres an idea...
  17. about 7 months
  18. Sucks to hear that. Not taking back the things you gave her was a real cool move. But you definitely needed to get your stuff back.

    As for the thong, maybe she doesn't want the memories attached to it and she wants to move on.. idk.. Why wouldn't you want something like that back?
  19. She wants you to keep it.

    Believe me.

  20. At this point i don't even wanna fuck her she hurt me too bad and it's awesome with her not gonna lie just can't do that to myself so if she thinks i'm gonna fuck her she's quite wrong plus i got other punani lol

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