PA legalizes...thoughts?

Discussion in 'General' started by Loudddda, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. So I'm a PA resident and I would like to hear the comments and opinions of others in regards to Gov. Tom Wolf signing the bill today. I think it's a positive step. To see many happy mothers who will be able to help their kid/kids now is awesome. How hard is a MMJ card going to be to obtain? Is this reserved for the sickest of the sick?
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  2. Do you have headaches?

    It's a rhetorical question, no one has headaches they just say they do.:coolalt:
  3. That's what I'm asking? Is this going to be just another medicine that's easy to get with a 5 minute session with the Doctor? I'm wondering if doctors will be very reluctant when issuing MMJ cards.
  4. No idea...I just know they were easy to get in every other state aside from Illinois.

    I still buy my drugs the old school way, from behind the liquor store on a dark and rainy Saturday night.:coolalt:
  5. #5 zmessengerz, Apr 19, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2016

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