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Ozium stealth bonging

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by randomdude420, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. So my friend was wondering if you can fill up a little bong pack rip the entire thing pulling the ashes through and clearing the entire bong with 1 rip exhaling through a sploof by a window with fan and using a little ozium will allow him to smoke in his room with no marijuana scent.

    This is not me, I vaporize
  2. Go Outside! & quit playing cat and mouse with the anti Cannabis Individuals. Outside = No worry's or hassles.
  3. [quote name='"trazyfilth"']Go Outside! & quit playing cat and mouse with the anti Cannabis Individuals. Outside = No worry's or hassles.[/quote]

    My friends mom let's him smoke in his house he just doesn't want to stink up his whole house while doing so.
  4. Ozium+sploof=no smell whatsoever, trust me.
  5. to be honest man you dont even need to use the ozium, me and my room mate cleared bongs and just blew through spoofs our first year living in residence and it worked like a charm

    especially if his mom is cool with you guys smoking you might as well save the ozium for when you really need it
  6. a well maintained sploof is good enough, the ozium will go even further at getting rid of the smell.
  7. You tell SWIM if he wants to find out he needs to create his own account and ask the question himself :p
  8. as long as he clears the bowl in one hit he's good

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