
Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by tont, May 2, 2009.

  1. Alright I just tired oxycodone for the first time, its not strait oxy so I couldn't snort it. I just chewed the pills and swallowed. Since it was my first time I was debating on how much I should take, the first time I took vicodone I took WAY to little and didn't feel and thing. Waste of pills in my opinion, I need atleast 30-40mg of hydrocodone to get high. So I took 15mg and didn't feel anything for about an hour, it was a little like vicodone but nothing comperared to the full vicodone effect, so 1/2 hour later I diecied to take another 15mg. I still wasn't feeling anything like I wanted to. I didn't want to over do it, so I just sat and watched a movie, I then started to feel a little sick and diecided to go lay down on my bed and just listen to some music. My stomache started to feel way better and my high was getting better.

    From my expirence if you gonna do oxy, its not like a drug where you can just stand up be walking around and having a good time laughing and everything, it was more like I needed to be laydown listening to some really good music for me to enjoy my high. I don't suggest some hardcore shit or something you would smoke up too, just something really chill a little trancy just nothing to fast.

    I'm a pretty big dude; about 185 6'4"". Do you think that was not enough to get the full effect of oxy. I'm not a bitch when it comes to pills cuz I've done vicodone before but I didn't want to over do it for my first time. Any suggestions on how I can make my next oxy high much better than the first?
  2. take 40mg of oxycodone.
  3. Thx, how about mixing oxycodone with hydrocodone?
  4. I have 20 hydrocodone and 20 oxycodone, would it be alright to take all that?

    I wanna get really fucked up but I'm not gonna snort since it has apap in them. Any ways I can get some of the apap out or a way to make the high better?
  5. 20 pills or 20mg?

    Yes there is google "cold water extraction"
  6. search cold water extraction..
  7. Ya man the first time never feels right, Oxys make ya feel like shit deep down inside. Next time it'd be a lil weee better
  8. Sry 20mg, I know the CWE but I don't like doing it nor do I have the time. I think will take 30mg oxy and 15 hydro since the oxy have less apap.

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