Overgrow the Govt, very simple easy way guys an girls

Discussion in 'General' started by lyo616, Aug 7, 2008.

  1. Hey there, its been a lonnnggg time since I've been here, but I am back! Good to see the forum an site rolling along strong and I hope to meet the new faces an old faces alike.

    Whenever you get a sack, you may or may not have seeds, depends on the growing methods with males females etc


    Get about 5-10 seeds, whenever you are out and about

    Simply toss a couple here an there on grass, soil, whatever and do that where ever you go.

    I got this idea from Marc Emery, a cannabis activist in Canada, hes well known, facing extradition to the U.S. by the U.S. govt which is fucked up due to the fact hes Canadian.

    Overgrow the govt is the premise, sends 1 hell of a message if alot of folks do it.

    Think about it, do it, tell your friends that smoke, etc

    Something very easy to do, and let me know what you think of this fun little easy idea.
  2. Sounds pretty good until you realize that the United States is pretty big, too big for it to be physically possible for there to be MJ plants everywhere. And most plants will be killed or won't grow at all, but I'll give it a try at least.:D
  3. Oh that's a great idea. Let's fuck up existing ecosystems to try and make our plant legal. That will get people to support weed.

    Emery is an idiot.
  4. Its more like a fantasy than a reality.
  5. Hey bro I hear you man, you are right, the U.S. is big and some seeds will not sprout or will be killed.

    But if we, whenever we have seeds, spread some here an there every time we can, and folks catch on, just think of it.

    This is about the easiest way to take a stand.

    Tell your friends too and keep spreading it on.

    Its easy, simple an a fun way to get active in the movement.

    My only advice is dont tell anyone how many seeds you have tosseed and where, keep that to yourself man.

    Just the IDEA of it all will spark interest and just spread the idea bro.
  6. Wow, all I can say.
  7. Beats doing nothing
  8. You don't understand what you would be doing do you? This could destroy a foodchain from the bottom up.
  9. How?

    I've heard weed does a lot of things but not this.

    War, gas pollution, overpopulation, drought, thats killing our foodchain.

    But a weed plant, wow, i disagree greatly

  10. Here's how:

    1. The foreign plant is introduced into an environment with no natural defenses against it.
    2. The plant takes over native plants.
    3. Since the native plants are on the bottom of the food chain (food for herbivores and may possibly be necessary for certain insect species to flourish) and they no longer exist it affects the rest of the chain.
    4. Insectivores can die off because their food source is gone. Birds, snakes, and lizards start to die out.

    You get where I'm going with this? It's like Europeans introducing smallpox to the Natives. There were no natural defenses.

    Destroy the bottom and the rest falls.
  11. You have a point, Cannabis is not native to the Americas and could possibly have very negitive impact to the ecosystems. As far as calling Emery and idiot I would disagree and I'd like to know where the OP got this Emery quote from, and if it's true I'd have to say I'm disappointed.
  12. Buzzard just owned all of you motherfuckers.:wave:
  13. I agree.

    I hate marc Emery.
  14. Wow a lot of hate in this thread. Anyhow I always have a ton of seeds, and I always just toss um into areas I think they might grow.
  15. Hey man good job, keep it up!

    Have a good one
  16. 1 big hole in your hypothesis

    The govt will have most cut and destroyed, its a visual note that cannabis is here to stay despite any propaganda by the govt against cannabis.

    To say the cannabis plant will grow an take over an kill life is funny and outlandish too me.

    But even so, the police will have most plants chopped, but if their is enough of use to spread seeds, they cant get everyone of them.

    Its a visual statement, and it needs to be seen as any other plant, not a RARE evil plant thats drug dealers sell to junkies and the worst of society.

    Truth is, its a medicine and it should be everywhere, not just bagged up in a project with a gun sittin beside it.
  17. Firstly Marc is a cannabis patriot and he has done more for the cause than most will ever do in their life.

    He has said this, through the countless publications and videos, I cannot pin point when and where.

    I keep my word and I stand by it.
  18. This would work best if you planted them near the white house or the mall strip between the capital and lincoln memorial in DC.
  19. Seems to me like if cannabis could destroy the ecosystem, it would have happened a loooong time ago.

  20. Not true..cannabis is native to every contient but Antartica..

    But I agree, it will throw the ecosystem off balance..If your going to grow outdoors, you need to take measures to make sure it doesnt interfere with nature..

    But the great thing about cannabis is, it causes no damage to the soil, its quick to grow and to die off..

    But then again, change and chaos is essential and evident in nature, but still..

    Not a good idea

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