Overall yield per plant?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Aphix, Feb 9, 2008.

  1. So this will be my first year growing. I've been reading up since fall on how to grow and I think I'm ready to start my first grow. My only issue is trying to figure out how much to plant? Like whats he average weight in bud per plant? I just don't wanna end up with like half an ounce at the end of the season.
  2. It’s really hard to tell. If you grow out doors you can get a pound or more, but indoor usually consists of about an oz per plant, that is if you take care of them. Go to youtube.com and watch brown dirt warrior. You get to see how big plant can get out side and they do get big! good luck man! use google for any questions or GC is allways a big help!
  3. Cool thanks dude.
  4. depends on all the variables my friend, ive seen people get anywhere from 1/8 of an oz to 4lbs per plant, depends on alot of different things like: strain, light, soil type, pot size, temps, air movement, space, training (if any), etc theres no deffinate answer to your question so i tell u this set up your room tell me as many factors of ur grow as possible and im sure some1 can give u a good guess..
  5. get one near rootbound and healthy in a 3gal pot inside and put outside around early may and u could expect a lb or more, planting directly in to a predug hole filled with bought potting soil (id go with fox farm ocean forest), watering every day, and make sure u have a fan on her when inside all the time to get her nice and strong for the outdoors also lst helps to get them thick and hearty

    good luck

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