over analytical when high?

Discussion in 'General' started by GSS, Feb 23, 2008.

  1. is anyone else over analytical when stoned? i feel like i think slower about things. i feel like every word counts, everything is more complicated. i think out loud, but in my head. i talk to myself and i think about things more than if i was sober. i feel like i think in 3d- i think past things and around them, and more "if" scenarios happen.
  2. It's a beautiful thing isn't it? Knowing what will happen? It gives everything a sense of surreality that I like a lot more than the regular sober overanalyzing that leads to depression and pointless cynicism. The high analyzing is much more mystifying and fun.
  3. I think in 3d when I'm high as well. I can actually picture my train of thought and it moves much much slower, which allows me to think of every possible outcome/solution. My co-worker and I were talking once how when you are high that you can analyze everything and see how it works much much easier

    I usually smoke a bowl before going to all my classes, it allows me to learn so much better, and comprehend everything without even looking in books. Not to mention how fucking amazing it makes me do on tests If i smoke before hand

    weed is such a wonderful gift

  4. i do alot of the sober overanalyzing, it leads to wonderful cynicism but not depression. Its simply something i did because i never wanted to be caught off guard by anything. I do it when im high too, but im actually not as worried about it when im toasted :D
  5. It happens to me every time. Its especially noticeble when im watching a movie alot of the stuff they say/act is really cheesy if you think about it.
  6. yeah i know some girls where they get high and just have debates and sit there and argue about random nuances of the universe nobody knows about and use words they don't know. it makes me want to kill them. or leave. OR BOTH!

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