Outletting ventilation question

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by HowdyNeighbor, May 29, 2009.

  1. Grow room will be in grow tent located in second floor of a 2 story home. I planned on having someone come in and create a hole in ceiling (which leads to attic) then create hole in attic which leads to outside to run my ducting through to vent heat and smell.

    Does this seem to be my most effecient setup? If not please feel free to suggest better ones

    I also will be getting another grow tent to set up vegging environment and will most likely be running that from the second floor as well...which means i will have two holes running through ceiling for roof ventilation if plan stays the same

    Any help on this would be grately appreciated. Thanks in advance
  2. just extract to the attic m8 it will take itself outside from there,or get a spare door for the bedroom cut a hol and pump it back into your house to cut your heating bills, bedroom door is cheaper than a ceiling
  3. wont be excessively hot in that attic with 2 1000 watt lights being outletted in there?

    not sure ill be able to explain that air blowing out the hole in the door when the lady friends come around tho
  4. how big is the tent?
  5. 6 x 6 x 6
  6. thats what i use and i've got a window open a bit with blsck and white plastic covering it and the ducting going through to pump the air outside.
  7. growing room is directed towards street in my situation so im not sure if pumping that much heat out my window would be very wise.....not to mention if filter should happen to malfunction
  8. sounds like your just waiting for someone to tell you your idea is right bro, if you want to go cutting holes in ceilings and roofs you carry on lol. your just makin work for yourself though.
    good luck whatever you decide

  9. naw, i really just wanted you to tell me that two 1000 watt lights vented into attic would be safe (mainly not a fire hazard, but also not a bullseye for infrared tests)
  10. i dont know what its like where your at but usually they get the helicopter to check your house after someones dropped a coin on you. if theyre pointin cameras at your house they already know, 2000w is nothing bro i use more in my veg room sometimes no fire risk from pumping hot air anywhere
  11. I have nearly 3000w of HID lighting getting pumped into an attic from one room, mine is ok, my intake air is from outdoors, might give you an idea.
  12. FYI venting heat from a hole in the roof would be a dead give-away for FLIR from a chopper.

    I'd just vent to the attic, less risky
  13. it does. thanks for help
  14. thanks man
  15. hey howdy

    i do not kno how ur house is set up but i was wondering if u have any ducting in ur attic like the drier vent(mine is on roof) or your furnice exhaust should be up on ur roof depending how ur house was built. and if you do then there is no need to cut another hole in ur roof you can tie into that ducting. you will just need one in the celing running to the attic.. all you need for that is a hole saw and a decient drill(cut a lil pilot hole to make sure your not drilling into any wires). no need to call any pro's in there and have them like y are you doing this. hope this helps

  16. naw, no ducting or anything in the attic. Just an empty room

    thanks for though man. I appreciate it

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