Outdoor watering techniques

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Green First, Aug 22, 2007.

  1. Arrrrrg,

    I woould like to know what the experts do for watering their crops? What are some true and tried methods for making it easier on my back for watering my plants and not having to worry if there is a drout? Im looking for automatic watering systems, at a low cost.... What are all the materials you need to buy also?

    Heres what I was thinking for next years efforts.....there is this stream in the middle of nowhere and i was thinking to buy cheap gardening hose from wally mart or whichever and bury it at the bottom of the stream. Then run it thro the bush to my future crop, and then either use a hugh 50 gallon tank to transfer water into or setting up a pump so i could water when ever i feel.

    Whats the easiest set up for automatically watering? And if there is any links to detailed info or if anyone has any pics , that would help.

    Mucho thanks
  2. ummm a cheap way i watered my plants when i couldnt go to them was just taped a few gallon gatorade bottles together filled em with water and poked a needle sized hole in the caps so they would slowly drip water. thsi was just a last minute ghetto thing i thought up so my precious would survive this terrible drought while i was away. another good thing to keep your soil hydrated is to use sphagnum moss and work it into the soil so whenever you water it soaks up the ferts/h2o and keeps it in the dirt around your plant.

    those ideas probably cant help you but im sure with some serious stoner ingenuity you can figure out a way to keep a resevoir or move water from that stream. although i dont know what this stream looks like but all the ones near me are pretty murky and i dont know whats in them that could potentially harm you crop. ive seen on other threads where people fill a blow up kiddy pool and fill it with water and some how use that for irrigation. i hope ive given you some food for thought
  3. THanks Slowhands.

    Anyone else, have any ideas with lots of detail........or maybe they could give me a couple links to information that might be useful.......or not,.:rolleyes:
  4. Find a creek out in the woods, put on some rubber boots and walk down it until you find a sunny spot. Buy some cheap paper pH testers and adjusters, and there you have it. That's really the easiest way. Some people use complicated pumping methods but I thought one of the main advantages of growing outside is that it's somewhat simpler, not ten times harder =)
  5. <TABLE class=tborder style="BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: 0px" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR title="Post 1807855" vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 align=middle width=125>Horus XCIII</TD><TD class=alt2>Find a creek out in the woods, put on some rubber boots and walk down it until you find a sunny spot. Buy some cheap paper pH testers and adjusters, and there you have it. That's really the easiest way. Some people use complicated pumping methods but I thought one of the main advantages of growing outside is that it's somewhat simpler, not ten times harder =) </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

    Your right , in that not making things harder. But the pumping method couldn't be that hard to set up could it.

    Here's what i was thinking......materials hose 100 to 200 feet, car battery, solar panel, converter, and a car pump (from a junk yard). This way you never have to check your spot, just hit the switch and walk away. Maybe check your spot once a month, for weeding and adding more ferts.....but thats all. Has anyone done this?:wave:
  6. ive used gravity to my advantage, i believe it was on this site or somewhere else that i got the idea, the creek that i got the water from was uphill to my girls, so i used an old container and poked holes in the bottom, and also attached a hose to it i then buried the container in the creek ran my hose down to the spot and put a shut off valve at the end, this works cause the water is using gravity to bring it down of course and all i had to do was open the valve, water my girls, close the valve, and im not having to carry the water up there no more, just an idea that i found and worked, good luck.;)
  7. I would highly recomend NOT using a pump. Not sure where you live but growing is probably not allowed. The last thing you want to do is make a bunch of noise every time your res. gets low. Gravity is a beautiful thing man!! Nature's way of giving you a helping hand!

    And what is this about outside growing is supposed to be easy?! What the hell have you been doing that is so easy? If I was able to be that involved I could very easily make growing a full time job with about the same amount of plants that I have now. IMHO nothing about outside growing is easy!! I think that it is the other way around, inside growing is supposed to be easier. You don't have to hike supplies deep into the woods, dig holes, or worry about birds!! But there isn't too much I would rather be doing than be deep out in the woods tending to my garden and becoming one with nature. My passion for sure!!!!!!!!!!! Inside bud is no comparison to my outside stuff, it has so much soul to it!!
  8. Thats sounds like a great idea with the creek.

    You can get a bucket and run some hose into the bottom of it and have the creek filling the bucket and the water running slowly all the time to your plants.


    Have a good one

  9. i was thinking about this questin to because i cant get to my spot to often. its been hot and its harder to row when its so low. u can get some gallon milk jugs and rubber hose spraypaint em hang them in a tree and put tiny holes in the hose by the plants i think it should.:wave:hope that helps

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