Outdoor Grower, New to Grasscity!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by timber wolf, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. Yo Yo, whats up fellow growers out on this planet. Im a grower from the south of Spain. Outdoor grows... Short story about me... From England originally, used to grow indoors there for a while in my loft, now im out here, under the sun in Andalucia Spain.
    Love to grow Huge plants in the ground. Will be posting some pics of this years grow and last years. Grass city yeahhh.... Fav smoke - Himalayan Gold. Hopes to be talking with you all you dudes out there soon. A few pics of last years Feminized Crystal outdoor grow that i have smoked already enjoy! :smoking:

    Attached Files:

  2. Hey man! Welcome! They plants look amazin, nice work. :smoking:

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