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Outdoor grow too big

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by sweetangellove, Jul 29, 2017.

  1. hi, this is my first in the ground outdoor grow. I've been pruning them so much. Now they are flowering and sooooo big I'm so overwhelmed. Trying to create privacy fenceing because they are getting over 6 ft tall. Can I prune the tops if they are a week into flowering?
  2. There has to be some connection between that people forgot to post pics and using this forum.
  3. I was just trying to post the pics

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  4. I'm still trying and it just keeps saying it can't upload them.

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  5. I understand your concerns, but you really don't want to cut the tops out of the plants. Just take some twine and bend the top down so it's not so tall and it will keep on growing. It's their nature to grow toward the sun, so you might have to readjust several times until harvest. Honestly, I would be a lot more worried about smell than height. About the last month in flower as they load up with resin, the smell gets intense. Even a single plant in bud can throw out some smell for a huge distance with a slight wind. They're kinda hard to disguise outside once they get deep into flower simply due to the smell alone. But you can pull the tops over to make them less tall without cutting tops out of the plant. That's the best part of the whole plant. TWW
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  6. I'd avoid pruning any plant this late in the year

    hide- conceal- camo- is good

    so is some patience

    good luck
  7. Ok awsome Thankyou! I wanted to upload a picture but it won't let me.

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  8. I have 10 of them and I planted them all too close

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  9. But they are very large and healthy I will try to tie them as I've done this but never thought to tie the tops gradually thankyou

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  10. its called a 'Late LST' (low stress training)
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