Our Intelligence has become our Ignorance.

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by FatDutchie, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. This is just a theory.

    I want you to drop all of your religious views and think about this. We are animals. We have evolved in such a way that we can reason and adapt to any situation. That is why we are on top of the food chain. Since the beginning of thinking man we have tried to figure out what happens when we die. Throughout history we have done tests and rituals to figure out what happens when we die.

    What I am saying is that all religion and belief was created by man and man is simply an animal. The BBC released a study saying all NDE's were chemical reactions in the brain to scare us from dying.
    So simply, we are so advanced that we created ways to scare us from dying and really we are nothing but just another animal on the food chain that advanced more then any other species.
  2. So what about it? What do you want to discuss?
  3. Who wants to die? It's a natural instinct to propagate and survive. Why would we be alive if we weren't meant to be?
  4. Interesting. What if Gods were Actually Aliens? Because most religions talk of people coming from above and helping, giving knowledge. Kinda hard to think we were cavemen and then boom Were building pyramids and stone structures that even engineres today cant recreate. Seems that ancient civilizations had access to knowledge far greater then what we have.
    I have no idea what happens when we die, but the majority of stories I hear about people who die is a white light. Except one, I heard this guy say he had died, saw himself on the table and what the doctors were saying. He went on to say that two guys came for him, they seemed okay, but as they moved to a different sceneit got dark, the two persons that came for him, were scaring him, he got scared, he said he saw TONS of people gathering around him, he knew all of them, not by name,but he knew them and he said they knew him and all the bad things he had done, and they were feeding off of his shame,making him relive memories, he said he felt as if his soul was being raped.
    If we just died when we die, it would certainly be a lot better then going to hell.
  5. [quote name='"FatDutchie"']This is just a theory.

    We have evolved in such a way that we can reason and adapt to any situation. [/quote]

    Other animals have also done that. Hell there are diseases that do that.

    Lions have been shown to grab humans and cause them to scream so that other humans will investigate, so that they can get a bigger meal.
    Ducks have been seen to watch people feed bread to fish in a pond, then steal a piece of bread, and use it to catch fish.
    A certain species of monkey has learned that they can eat food that is usually poison to them, then steal charcoal from humans camp fires, which the monkeys then eat to neutralize the poison.

    [quote name='"FatDutchie"']
    That is why we are on top of the food chain. [/quote]

    Are we really? Or do we just stay away from the animals that eat us?
    Or is that what it means to be at the top of the food chain?

    [quote name='"FatDutchie"']
    So simply, we are so advanced that we created ways to scare us from dying and really we are nothing but just another animal on the food chain that advanced more then any other species.[/quote]

    Yeah, just yesterday I saw a mouse throw itself into the mouth of a grinning cat.
    We are just another animal in the food chain but I'm not convinced we are so much more advanced than they.
    Otherwise, I agree with everything you said.
  6. To the OP: Why did you tell us to "drop our religious views" only? I have more views than those just pertaining to religion. Just genuinely curious.

  7. Because this thread has to do with death, and death and religion usually go hand and hand.

  8. I see what you're saying completely but a hungry lion will eat anything put in front of him because he lacks the ability to think before he acts. What if what was put in front of him was poison? He would not know until he was dead. What I'm saying is because we are free thinking animals, we have over thought death and our human minds have stopped us from realizing what death is.
  9. Death is absolute, there's obviously no going back. And the price we pay for death is obviously life.

    And life in the context I'm thinking, is corrupted, and vain. Death can actually be an escape, not saying to purposely off yourself. I just say be glad that you die, Because if you had to deal with all the bullshit your whole life, you would go madder then the mad butler.

    The legacies thrown down by previous generations are corrupt. And all I see, is vanity. All of these legacies and for what? We are deceased in the end anyway. Like I heard someone say, "Why allow yourself to die, if you are not going to live to see your own victory?" And victory? For what? What is there to be proud about in this world? We can't be proud of its destruction. Legacies are all man has after he is dead. But legacies, for what? It's all perishable. Nothing in this world is eternal, not even legacies. When the sun goes supernova, that's it, game over. And nothing is won. Life resumes. And we can only hope our knowledge is obtained to some type of cosmic source so that whatever life forms anywhere after they will know where we messed up.

    But there are good aspects of life. The problem is, we fucked up. Life is not accessible by everyone, and sometimes all that a person grows up to know is vanity. Or death.

    That's why I say, fuck science. It has caused more problems than it has solved. And solving a problem with more problems is going nowhere fast.
  10. Life and death go hand in hand.
  11. [quote name='"FatDutchie"']

    I see what you're saying completely but a hungry lion will eat anything put in front of him because he lacks the ability to think before he acts. What if what was put in front of him was poison? He would not know until he was dead. What I'm saying is because we are free thinking animals, we have over thought death and our human minds have stopped us from realizing what death is.[/quote]

    Yeah, I agree with the main thought of your point. Many of us humans spend too much time thinking about and fearing death.
    But wouldn't that suggest that the animals who don't over think death are the ones that are more advanced?
    And yeah, I agree the lion might eat poison without knowing it was poison, buuuuut.....humans do that all the time at restaurants, we blindly trust that the restaurant has clean practices, then we get ptomaine poisoning.
    And what I am hinting at is that I am not so sure that animals are NOT free thinkers, as per the examples above.
    As we have learned, Just because they don't have opposable thumbs, doesn't mean they don't use tools and even some logic.
  12. It is the philosophy section but you did suggest that

    This is just a theory.

    Circular reasoning (also known as paradoxical thinking[citation needed] or circular logic), is a logical fallacy in which "the reasoner begins with what he or she is trying to end up with".[1] The individual components of a circular argument will sometimes be logically valid because if the premises are true, the conclusion must be true, and will not lack relevance. Circular logic cannot prove a conclusion because, if the conclusion is doubted, the premise which leads to it will also be doubted.[2] Begging the question is a form of circular reasoning.[3]
    Academic Douglas Walton used the following example of a fallacious circular argument:
    Wellington is in New Zealand.Therefore, Wellington is in New Zealand.[4] He notes that, although the argument is deductively valid, it cannot prove that Wellington is in New Zealand because it contains no evidence that is distinct from the conclusion. The context – that of an argument – means that the proposition does not meet the requirement of proving the statement, thus it is a fallacy. He proposes that the context of a dialogue determines whether a circular argument is fallacious: if it forms part of an argument, then it is.[4] Citing Cederblom and Paulsen 1986:109) Hugh G. Gauch observes that non-logical facts can be difficult to capture formally:
    "Whatever is less dense than water will float, because whatever is less dense than water will float" sounds stupid, but "Whatever is less dense than water will float, because such objects won't sink in water" might pass.[5]
    Circular reasoning is often of the form: "a is true because b is true; b is true because a is true." Circularity can be difficult to detect if it involves a longer chain of propositions.
  13. Did you even read that, or did you just copy and paste it?
  14. Life and death are on the opposite part of the spectrum. They are complete opposites
  15. I heard that we don't really die, our souls just live on but IDK this is an everlasting question.
  16. Why wouldn't you read something you copied and pasted?

  17. Because if you would of read it, you would of realized that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about or is relevant to this thread.
  18. [quote name='"shaddytheman"']I heard that we don't really die, our souls just live on but IDK this is an everlasting question.[/quote]

    Lol. I like the way you said it.
  19. Begging the question

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