Oranges are orgasmic when high

Discussion in 'General' started by beefybud, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. So true. My friend and I found some purp on the ground at school(no joke) took it to the park and toked out of an apple. Then we found an abandoned house with an orange tree in the back! Haha... It was great. We then went on the swings for about 30 minutes.:smoke:
  2. #23 xtiffany, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    fuck yeahh dude.

    my neighbor's orange tree goes 20% into our yard, so legally it's ours. ive been eatting a lot of oranges lately cuz the tree be bloomin' bitch. (that's an alliteration, fool)

  3. that has been said already but i am glad you agree
  4. Yarrr, eat yer fruit 'fore ya catch the Scurvy!
  5. Oranges are great when high, for sure.
  6. The reese cup I just ate felt like a huge climactic peanutbuttery jizz

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