Orange Soda (Soda pressed)

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by Toxic Daydream, Apr 29, 2009.

  1. Sitting on a grocery shelf, waiting to quench the thirst of someone in need.
    Three liter of sweet orange carbonation, here to please you, here to help.
    After waiting so long, finally I'm picked up, placed in a cart.
    I'm finally going to a home, where I shall bring happiness.
    This is what I was made for, this is why I exist.
    Scanned, bagged and paid for, I'm on my way.
    The travel home will not be easy, on to a bus we go.
    The ride is not smooth I'm pushed and kicked.
    I roll back and forth, all around I go.
    My bubbles rise in me, I feel like I may explode.
    To my joy we stop, not much farther now.
    We begin to walk, when to my amazement, I'm pulled out of my bag.
    A hand grabs my body, another my head.
    I'm going to be drank, right here, right now
    I'm raised to parched lips, and I'm dropped.
    I'm spilling every where, won't somebody save me.
    I begin to feel empty.
    This can't be happening.
    This is not how it's supposed to end.
    Somebody help me.
    You can still drink from me.
    I'm not gone yet.
    Nobody comes.
    Nobody helps.
    As I die a wasteful death I see them all pass by.
    They look, and comment.
    No one offers any help.
    I'm just an empty shell now
    My life dried up.
    An orange stain, on the side walk, where it flowed away.
    Please someone, at least recycle me.
    Give me another chance.
    I'll get it right this time.
    I had so much potential.
    Let me try again.
    A wind catches me.
    I'm blown away.
    I don't stop for weeks.
    When I come to a rest.
    A warm hand touches my cold skin.
    It's like fire.
    Hope I'd feared had all gone rises within me.
    As I'm placed in a green bin I realize.
    I'm getting another chance.
    In the bin are others like me.
    We're all going to be renewed.
    And this time I'll make a difference.
    This time I'll be everything I can....
    the end


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