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Orange kush

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Stonebag420, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. Hey, I just picked up a quarter of medicinal orange kush (orange bud x og kush) and every nugget ray review says they love the taste I need some new papers and have always used raw organic slims. Which papers do you think give off the best flavor of the bud? Ps the camera on my ipad doesn't do the neon orange hairs on this any justice

    Attached Files:

  2. raw papers are pretty good and you can never go wrong with zig zags
  3. Well if you want flavor use a dry piece.
    Straight weed smoke.
    How much did u pay?
  4. I paid $90 for it but that picture is missing a gram already had a dry piece sesh. Great flavor and the smell is the perfect valence of a citrus fuel smell
  5. ^ last reply was at u

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