Orange bugs on outdoor plant. What are they? What can I do?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Grow420Guy, Jun 29, 2019.

  1. Went outside to touch up some of the plants and I see all these orange bugs all over my plant. I just transferred another plant outside yesterday so it really sucks, I would have waited if I knew I had a bug problem. Does anybody know what these are and how I can get rid of them for good?

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  2. Are you in Australia by any chance?
    Could be milkweed aphids
    If so crush them with your finger or wash them off with stream of cold water
    Any milkweed plants around your grow? You are growing cannabis correct?
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  3. No, the U.S. but cannabis with tomato plants next to them. I’m almost positive they are spider mites. The cannabis plant has a few on them but they are definitely coming from the tomato plants. I checked the bottom of the leafs and man they are in clusters all over the tomato plants. I don’t know how a person could salvage a plant that’s infested with these. Thinking about just ripping out the tomato plants.. the undersides of the leafs are just covered.
  4. Those are oleander Aphids. You could spray neem and kill them on both the tomatoes and cannabis. Spray them off with water. AND if you have ants? The ants will harvest the aphids for what they leave behind, so get some diatomaceous earth as well.. Both are inexpensive.
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  5. Huh.. you and the above poster both brought them up. I just looked them up and I suppose they could be those as well.. hard to tell. But as long as neem oil works to kill both spider mites and oleander Aphids it doesn’t matter much? Is one worse than the other? I removed the tomato plants because there was clusters under every leaf and I just didn’t want to take the chance for a few tomato plants.
  6. UPDATE: I’ve managed to get most of them but I still find a few (baby?)stragglers on the plants. Is it possible to COMPLETELY get rid of these? Will a few of them hurt the plants at all? Thankyou guys for pointing out what they really were.
  7. Be diligent and rotate you methods. Look closely for ants. If they are present get some diatomaceous earth and use it as well. Ants like to harvest aphids for what they excrete. Its a symbiotic relationship. Good luck!
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  8. Perfect, that powder wouldn’t hurt my plants if I surround the base of the main stem would it? Thankyou as well, you’ve been a huge help!
  9. Diatomaceous earth will not hurt your plants. Good luck.

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