This is my first time growing, I'm pretty excited and want to get everything right. I have my room set up with two compact fluorescents (I know sodium or halide would be better but they are not pheasable in my situation) and my seeds are germinating. I was wondering what the best light cycle, temperature, humidity, and pH would be for seedlings, vegetation, and flowering. So far I have found: Light cycle ------------ Seedling - 18:6 Vegetation - 18:6 Flowering - 12:12 Humidity ---------- Seedling - 70-85 % Vegetation - < 90% (I would like to have a more specific range here) Flowering - 30 - 45 % I have no idea for temperature and pH. Also, how would I increase and decrease humidity as well as temperature. I know to increase humidity you can just mist the plants with water.
The best lighting untill flower is 24/0, if you are interested in growth lol, need to know soil or hydro for the ph. Temps around 75
24/0 until flower: I read somewhere that the plants need a dark cycle for sleep. But I suppose the reason most people said 18/6 is because they use halide or sodium bulbs so 24/0 is too much on the power bill and the plants would get too hot. I will give 24/0 a try. Also, I am in soil. And temperature 75 goes for all stages? Does this need to decrease during the flowering off time? Do you agree with what I have for humidity?