
Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by ionbob00, Sep 30, 2008.

  1. i can try it tonight if i throw down a 5 and im seriouslly considering it. any warnings/dangers to tell me about? what does it feel like? were gonna put it on top of a bowl of tree is it a good idea?
  2. opium is fun as hell

    and trees and opium are even better

    one thing: keep it blue moon, especially if u like it

    and when u hit the bowl, don't put the lighter directly on the opium or else you'll just burn it and won't feel anything

    and it's important to have fun too


  3. Is that how your supposed to smoke all opium? I tried making opium from seeds at the supermarket but it didnt seem to work well. Perhaps thats because I was putting the lighter right on it though?
  4. Real opium is the shit.

    Like said dont put flame directly onto the opium.

    Erowid.com has some pretty good info on Opium.

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