Does anyone know where I could buy an opium pipe. Im looking for a store, not an online place. Ive looked at local headshops, but with no luck. Any ideas?!
Just search ebay for opium pipe and youll see all different kinds. For now, Im stuck chasing the dragon.. but its deffinetly gettin' 'er done! I feell gooooooooodddd.
Yea, I've been looking for the same for a few months now...havent really found anything I liked too much. Does anyone know how to use an opium pipe??? Its much different than a marijuana pipe, i know, but must they be long in order to work, or can you find smaller ones?
Opium pipes are pretty simple to use, and very fun. Here's how it's done. Search Erowid on how it's done.
thairs also allot of antique opium pipes made with like jade and silver, i'd buy one of thoes for a serious pipe collection if i had one.