opinion on Dark Shadows

Discussion in 'Movies' started by weed aficionado, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. so i went with some friends to see the new tim burton film. did not like it, but my friends really like it. opinions? i should have smoked a bowl before and i would have enjoyed it ahahhah
  2. Tim Burton fell off so hard, not that he was good to begin with though.

    Based on the previews the movie looked horrible. I hated the Dark Shadows TV series but even so it looks like this movies does a great disservice to it. I know a lot of fans of the show that got hyped upon hearing about the film, only to be super letdown when they noticed what it was like. I feel bad for them

    I haven't seen it though, so I don't really know what I'm talking about I guess. But based on Burton's recent work and the previews I cannot imagine any way this movie could be good
  3. Looks like complete garbage.

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