opiates + benzos

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Metal*Jenna, Dec 11, 2009.

  1. just curious and NOT ASKING FOR DOSAGE ADVICE, but seriously, what are the dangers of doing heroin and xanax together. I know that they can increase the the effects of one another and that you can OD easy.. but i guess what I am wondering is how dangerous is this?

    back in the day when i was balls to the walls, i used to take opiates and benzos by the handful.. i never OD'ed but i like to be alot more careful these days.

    i took about 2.5 mg xanz about 3 hours ago and then buzz is wearing off..( i have a large tolerance to benzos) im just wondering if ill be alright to do some H here soon. ive got a phat sac and its calling my name..

  2. from what i know, taking both of these together increases the resperatory depression caused by both and people will be nodding, pass out, and stop breathing. not really that one makes the other more potent. if you took the Xanz a while ago i doubt it will have too much of an effect in that respect

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