ooh parents... please look

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by nabster98, Dec 28, 2009.

  1. Like all of us know, theres no way to argue with parents, only hide it from them. Soo ive been caught smoking 4 times and now they say i need treatment and they want to ship me off to my grandparents house seeing as i cant afford my own yet. I try arguing about how its not harmful. They just say its illegal and then yell at me some more. They feel im not motivated and im going to end up in prison even though im smart and have my goal, i just like smoking weed like anyone else. So does anyone have any tips on dealing with closed minded and ignorant parents? My parents are crazy and are utterly oblivious to their own ridiculous thoughts. Im 18 i come home after smoking so my dad takes my phone and calls EVERY number on it attempting to notify parents that their kids may have drugs and that they should check them. Thisis fucking crazy. Hes an alcoholic dad and i have a depressed spazzy mom. i just dont know how to take this stuff
  2. Well, if you say there is no way to argue with them, you either need to stop smoking while you live with them. Its their house, if you stay there, you gotta live by their rules.

    But, we all know thats now how your generation goes about things. You can lie to them, sit them down and tell them you realize that it is wrong and that you are going to stop. Then your just gonna have to go back to the gradeschool toking ways. (eye drops, gum, water, axe, ozium) anything it takes to hide the fact your still smoking.
  3. ummmm maybe you should not get high when you know that yoour parents will b sittin at home waitin for u. have some god damn common sense kid. just dont come home lookin like this guy---:smoking: and u should b good. durr

  4. There isn't much I think that can be done. They are set in their reasoning. My suggestions are don't get caught or move out.

    As for an alcoholic dad severely butting into your affairs and those of your friends, I'd say knock him the fuck out. I'm bias in the subject though.
  5. Honestly listen to them if your in there house.... But most likely like all of our parents most likely did was gave in after a while or at least mines did about 7-8 years ago.. My mom was real mad but she knew i would do it anyway, So she told pops hey if he is going to do it id rather him do it here then go out in the streets n get something laced (but you know thats not the case) & that day my pops lit up some FIRE with me lol

  6. Are you me?
  7. Ok I'm just going to ramble here, but I'm rambling from experience. Keep in mind not all parents are the same and it's very possible that none of this will be applicable.

    What I do when I (occasionally) argue with my parents is first establish a few things. First is to rather than say weed is "not bad", say it is wonderful. Don't sound like a fucking addict here, and say that it is your opinion, then leave it at that. Second, is I like to juxtapose smoking weed with drinking beer. You could ask why would it be OK to have a beer but not OK to smoke a joint? The idea here is to imply (rightfully) that smoking a joint is even LESS harmful than drinking a beer or two. This way if they ever ague something like "oh but alcohol can lead to abuse" you can kindly point out that there is no such thing as being physically dependent on marijuana.

    Now, assuming you are comfortable with your civil negotiation skills you SHOULD be able to have your parents (albeit indirectly) concede the fact that marijuana is not bad for you, and is not a dangerous habit. They will still frown upon the idea of smoking. At this point their strongest solid rebuttal is that they accept that you have your own opinions, but it is still their house and they do not want you smoking in it. Reassure them that you have no intentions of smoking in their house and repeat that you respect their position that there is to be no smoking in their household.

    Lastly, once you have come to the common agreement that you will not be smoking in their house, ask them a question. Say something like "I'm still a tiny bit unsettled by this though. I get the feeling that you are in some way uneasy with my smoking marijuana, and I would like you to help me understand why." Try to be empathetic about it. If they worry that it is affecting you in negative ways, or that it is bad for your health, or that it could lead to addiction, then you already have the upper hand and should calmly assure them to the facts that the plant is wonderful and you are not being put in harms way. Or, if they don't voice any concerns over your choice in smoking, simply leave on the mutual agreement that you will not smoke inside their household; still holding that it is your right to do as you please outside the home.

    The point here is to concede the fight which you cannot win (smoking inside the house) while eliminating any awkwardness of coming home high (they accept your choices) hence: you are guilt free.

    Like I said, maybe my parents are just cooler than others, but they slowly but surely have come to accept my smoking habits. I hope that with some patience you can help them to come to peace with your habits too.

    Good luck :)

  8. This guy knows EXACTLY what to say, +rep
  9. well id my dad in the mouth for going through my phone like that. solution: move out. if u cant afford your own place try getting a roommate.
  10. This is sort of whats happening with me, my parents said im going to AA meetings and rehab. It's some bullshit just for weed and alcohol, i'm not an alcoholic though I drink like once every other weekend.
  11. Tell your dad to fuck off and suck a cock, then tell them you knocked up your secret girlfriend who happens to be black. they will probably forget about the smoking. If i had a dad like that Id punk him down. hit up you
    moms medicine cabinet and see if she has klonopin or xanax she probably takes valuim
  12. Yo, sounds like your dad is displacing a lot of the heat he takes (from himself or others) for being an alcoholic onto you.

    It sounds as though it isn't that he wants to be a dick, he just doesn't realize the differences between pot and alcohol, and is trying to protect you from addiction, which has plagued him for however long it has.

    Just move out, bro!
    They just looooooooveee you :love:
  13. if they pay for your phone they can look at what ever they want, if not it is some kind of theft i think. but the bottom line here is, you are an adult. two genetically related adult males cannot live in the same house. i moved back in with my parents just before i turned 19.....i would live in a cardboard box before i did that again. MOVE OUT. look into gubment assistance till you get on your feet, whatever it takes.
  14. They'll get used to it. Just like my parents and grandparents did. It's been a year since they found out. They don't care bout the leaf anymore.
  15. Haha exactly.

    + Rep.

    I only have until Feb 2nd and then my other roommate buddy turns 18
    . Thank god I will be OUT OF THIS HOUSE.
  16. dude i moved back in with my parents a month ago, after living on my own for a year. and they dont mind that i smoke, well they care but i explained theres simply nothing they can do.. anyways im already movin out in 2 days! haha i just cant fucking live in the same house as my step dad. so ive decided to dip out.. you should start thinking about it, live your life how you want to..
  17. ttthhhiiiissss
  18. i told someone else to do this but i think it still applies

    the only thing you should do is to get as much money as you can and hitchhike to El Paso, Texas. There you will need to invest in a small pocket knife. Then burn all your identification and cross the border into Juarez, Mexico. This is where the small pocket knife will come in handy, as in most cases Mexicans are afraid of small knives because they can easily be concealed in a fist, think your getting punched, BLAMO!!! stabbed bitch, but I digress. Once in Mexico avoid the all the fighting over drugs in Juarez(maybe smearing mud on your face of you are white will mask the fact that you are white and you can pass undetected) and start heading to the Yucatan. Along the way you may need to do various odd jobs, such as prostitution and burglary, to acquire funds, this depends on how much you are able to obtain before crossing the border. Once you arrive in the Yucatan start hiking through the jungle until you are confronted by a native tribe, by this time you will look pretty haggard and travel weary and they might take you in. To heighten the chances of being taken in by natives it is best to get rid of all your clothes except your underwear and shoes and socks, this will make you look even more distressed. Once you are sheltered by the natives you live with them and help out as much as you can eventually becoming one of them and perhaps even participating in a spiritual journey with a shaman. Godspeed and Good luck.

  19. good post.

  20. My parents found and and tried to drug test me...after that failed they tried kicking me out and taking all my shit.....after they realize I wasn't coming home cuz was going to do as I goddamn pleased they called me to come home and hasn't mentioned a drug test or the weed smoking issue in months.....dun think they will either.

    I consider myself to be responsible and I think my rents finally realized that I am.

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