
Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by zarni, Feb 24, 2006.

  1. I am one with all. I am what I see and smell and taste and touch and hear. I am what i feel inside and outside. I am all. Then I am nothing.

    So who wrote this? Who reads this? Who is looking?

    Only One can see.

    EnjoY your path people its the coolest thing that can happen too you - living like a child - no goals no things no economy no hate no suffering no space and then no time no thought - nothing.

    Dont Ignore Your True One Self - go to sleep and awake as One. Have sex and touch One. Listen and look its You no more no less its simply just One seeing and many perceiving. Realize it people.

    One is good and love is truth.


    Zarni (just a point of view)
  2. I should have sex, you say...?

    .... no but seriously, so true. We are God's eyes... there's no real limitation in between ourselves and others asides the ones that we create with our minds. +rep (am I giving rep... to myself?)
  3. excelent. good post bortha

    have tons and tons of sex, just wear a rubber.... hahah

    we are all one. so love everyone.

    arggg my damn ego..... die you dumb thing.

    many egos ... one love.
  4. Everything is one man, the tree's the grass, the air, animals, people, we are all one. A monster of energy flowing in one direction, the direction of peace, and freedom. Were traveling there one step at a time each step a lesson to teach us how to be one with everything. When the world is one we will truely be free.
  5. I'm planning to give you rep for that once Im done this reply. At the same time, I doubt many of us will ever be around to see that. Ignorance is bliss and too many people wouldn't really open their eyes.
  6. Oh aren't you guys sweet...

    I still have absolutely no clue what you're talking about...what does being ONE mean? I'm the same one as the whole of you guys? No, thanks...I pass. You mean we all are part of something bigger? Well...nice thought, but I don't quite buy it.

    So someone please explain to me what ONE means?
  7. It is very hard to explain this stuff with words. Simply try not to think and see what happens?!

    Being One means being nothing, just pure awareness or no thinking just nothing. You and Me are views. I am the teacher as well as the one being thaught.

    If you remove all thought, what is there, is it still you.

    We are already one united "Thing". Knowledge is everywhere, in me in you, it is constantly changing shape., you can go seek what you desire, there are only limits where you have already put them, you can't destroy them easily but everything is possible.
    There is no individuality in life only in your ignorant ego. Can you actualy drive a car without someone else build it. Can you feel everything being very connected and close together - connected without time, without space, no nothing.

    The One life all is, is eternal, you can feel it, anyone can. After all, you are me, and I am all of you, so if I come to a post office and there is a long line, i am not sad or mad, all those people are what i represent, usualy the line is longer the more ignorant i am, the more bad thoughts i carry, but when I'm One with all there is nothnig, the long line melts and I am happy couse the one first in line is also me :).

    Life starts, does something, and dies. The sun rises, shines, and sets down. You wake up, eat(which is working), piss, shit, and go to sleep. Initialization - Processing - Cleanup. Falling in love - loving - braking up.

    Thoughts rise and give you this world to learn upon to improve to get better, Life as One is everywhere processing constantly proving to it self what it self is.

    Let people have there opinions, let you have your own. You can be both, you are both. There is no opinion without Both.

    Melting people! :)
  8. you cant explain it man. as soon as you have the ultimate truth experience on LSD....youll know.
  9. ^ Yeah man thats the truth, I never came to this part of the city, until a few weeks ago when I did acid. I've done it like 15 times in the past 2 weeks. It opens your mind man. Life isn't what it seems, there is so much more that we dont see, unless you've tried to LSD your blind to the world. Herb is just the first step into something greater and far more vast the normal mind can concive(sp) try it you'll see.
  10. Actualy from my experience and IMHO,

    weed, LSD, shrooms,... and so on...

    These are merely Keys. Keys for unlocking Knowledge that is with you always.

    You don't need them actualy, the Way to the truth is everywhere. For some it is acid, for others it is meditation. You will/did find your own keys.

    I realized my Self, sitting behind my computer watching my room thinking hard about the source of my thoughts and all of a sudden it was so clear that the room is not separate from me, my body isn't realy my body, my body was the universe, it was like entering joy and bliss. I extended to the stars above, they are my crown now. Time is gone. Space is gone. Love is gone. My life turned into a halucination, the best halucination there is. Love was born.

    Zarni found this out by him self, yes he smoked some realy heavy herb, maybe that helped, but the point is, we are already there, we just ignore it. It's kinda like living like a child, everything is so new and beautifull.

    And yes, as sooon as I start talking about it I fuck up the nothingness that we are.

    Empty space filled with thought.

    And then again, for people looking for their path, try having an orgasm - make it a realy goood one. What is there when you explode, are you still just your physical body, or did you just take a glimps at what you realy are??

    Now sit back and enjoy it :)
  11. Well...sorry, but I don't buy it. I think you let yer mind run wild and don't question it. Yeah, you feel great and you feel in touch with nature when you're on a trip. But it's just a trip.

    Remember when you were young? And drunk? I remember I thought I was one with my guitar...and I thought I was the best guitar player in the world when I was drunk...till I listened to some of our live recordings and realized I better not be too drunk on our next gig.

    I haven't done coke, but me mates tell me it kinda does the same trick.

    I honestly, sincerely think that's what happens to you guys when you're on a trip and that's why you can't explain it. You got this intense feeling but it's just your high talking, got no connection with the rest of the world at all.

    Not trying to kill yer highs, I'm just questioning your thoughts. Someone always should.

    Now here's a tip: Next time you do LSD, shrooma and stuff like that: Get a videocamera. Tape yourself and try to explain yourself to your future sober self. Then watch it the next'll be surprised.
  12. :hello:

    Yes, Someone should realy question your thoughts. Aren't you questioning your thoughts?

    My thoughts are of my own. As soon as there are thoughts they can be questioned. Who are you questioning actualy? Isn't you the one perceiving reading this forum?

    I wondered hard just like you HighSociety now I See. :)

    Oh... did I forget to tell you. I haven't even seen LSD and sure not gonna try it, same with shrooms etc. You don't need it to get "in touch" with nature. Once awakend from the ignorance I need no drug, no key. I'm not high as u put it. I use no drugs to tell you this.

    You are HighSociety. I'm nothing. And if you dont feel in touch with nature without drugs, then you must be living for your goals not your Path.

    Once there is doubt, there must also be some form of attachment. Are you attached to your things, to your prejudice, to habits, to family, to animals? What do they mean to you, are you sad when you loose something?

    Well, I'm not afraid of anything, I found my Path, my Goals are just crossroads.

    You wont understand me, but it doesn't matter, at least enjoy your ride friend!

  13. The first time I did LSD I had that flash of oneness, and yeah the morning after it was gone. I dismissed it as some drugged-up hallucination.

    Still though, I felt something had changed. The feeling of "oneness" never lasts long for anyone who's been brought up in western society. As soon as you feel it, you try and grasp onto it with words and it dissapears. Since that trip, I would often feel it when I smoked up.

    For a while I tried to hard to recreate it, but then I realized that the reason it wasn't working is that it wasn't something that you can produce by yourself. When I let go of the desire to have it, when I unhooked from my over-worked and confused mind, that's when I felt it.

    I also realized that this was what people do when they pray or meditate!

    I myself play guitar and I've realized that the only time I play really well is when I shut off my mind and try not to think of myself as the one really making the music. When you get into the "trance", that's when the music really flows through you, and you play effortlessly!
  14. Don't turn this around...I question what you said, not me own thoughts. I question me thoughts all the time, everyone should.

    You call me ignorant, I call you a wishful dreamer. I find it cute how New Age still is alive. didn't get my High Society joke, did you? Yes, I'm a member of high society. In a way. All stoners are.

    Dunno really...but what's that got to do with the topic?

    Honestly, no. Unless you make yourself clear and stop ditching the questin. Give it a try. To be honest, I believe you don't quite know where you're going with this. And if you now answer 'I don't know where I'm going, nobody does' you totally didn't get me question.

    And to be even more brutally honest...i find statements like 'I'm one with everything' and 'I went into another dimention' wishful jibberish. And I thought new age had gotten old and been abolished...
  15. I believe when tribes who still live of mother earth without modern technology get in touch with nature, they mean learning nature's way. Learn how to use nature, learn to communicate with animals and learn how to use plants. But there's absolutely nothing spiritual over this. It's systematic and we've got paralells in western society. But it's got nothing to do with your 'being one' with everything.

    Explain to me how and why people of the western society have lost their ability to be one with nature. And put some effort into it, 'cause I've heard quite a few explanations before.
  16. No need to get hostile Mr Skinner. He wasn't specificaly calling you ignorant. He was talking about the origin of human ignorance and delusion: the ego.

    This is exactly the difference in between harmonising yourself with something and trying to exploit it. There is nothing wrong with using plants as medicine, or even animal coats for warmth. The important thing is to always remember that we're dependant on these things that we benefit from, they're not just there for our conveniance.

    The opposite of "oneness" is centering your worldview on yourself. It's thinking that everything's purpose is only relative to its benefit to you. This way of thinking is very dominant in western culture because our way of specificaly defining our needs has been the motor of our technological advancement. We've become detached, to a degree, from the natural equilibrium that provides us with our sustenance. We think that we're autosufficient.

    But this is not true, mankind can't exist on its own. We're dependant on thousands of kinds of bacteria to digest our food and too avoid sickness. Huge portions of human civilization could be easily destroyed by a slight climate change. We've recently discovered a kind of microorganism that lives on the bottom of the ocean that metabolises methane gas produced by the shifting of tectonic plates. Without these unicellular organisms our atmosphere would be unliveable.

    Anyways I think you get my point.

    However understanding this fragile balance of life is only an intellectual undertaking. This is another thing that isolates people from eachother and from God. It's a human characteristic to try and give phenomena an abstract dimension in order to protect ourselves from it. Obviously, having an intellectual understanding of the world around us has huge survival value. But it's important to understand that words and ideas arise from a world with no intrisinc value on its own. A tree isn't more a "tree" than it is a bunch of overlapping layers of rough cellular tissue, or a complex arrangements of molecules, or an endless series of strings of energy.

    Again, the only reason our brain identifies it as a "tree" is out of practical reasons. We live in bodies with a huge evolutionary baggage. Despite our relatively high level of consciousness, we still reply to hundreds of instincts that exist only for the perpetuation of our DNA strands. From the way we distinguish objects from eachother, to our sex drive, to our need to get a job and "find a place in society". All these are just biological tricks that exist in all of us that serve the advancement of the human species.

    These bodily impulses aren't necessarily wrong. I eat, sleep, plan on getting a better job, and love to have sex. The important thing is to keep the bigger picture in mind. And that is that my own interests are ultimately insignificant. I'm not saying that we should sacrifice our own needs for the good of society... we have to look higher than that. Even human society will ultimately die out eventually. At a molecular level you can't really tell the difference in between yourself and the world around you, and that's because there isn't really any. Your body is only the universe taking a temporary form, eventually you'll die and even the earth will spin into the sun. Where will all our notions of individuality be then?

    There's no harm in living a normal life in western society. What's important is not to trick yourself into believing that all the images that are thrown at you by television and adds, that all the pressures around you to make money and be popular, or even the intellectual understanding that you have of the world are absolute reality.

    When you turn off your mind, you still exist. When you leave your own interests, your ego, and your own false sense of individuality behind, your consciousness is still alive but is no longer seperated by man-made illusions from the world around it.

    You become one :smoking:

    I hope that made some sense!
  17. Hostile? I wouldn't even get hostile if he really called me ignorant, 'cause I am ignorant. Don't mistake my arguing for being hostile, mate.

    You've described how we live in symbiosis with nature, still nothing new. And how we exploit nature.

    You did make a lot of sense, mate. didn't answer me question. You made a slight attempt in the last paragraph.

    The question still is: What does being ONE mean?

    My guess still is: You had a fucking good time on drugs (be it natural, bodies own, or chemical), you had a feeling of being connected to your surroundings and you call it 'being one'.

    Being 'ONE' is an old and hollow expression. Just like I mentioned before it's got a brother: 'DIMENTION'. Both have been used for a long time and came into everyday's speech after New Age had it's popularity combined with the drug and sexual revolution.

    Still noone actually can explain what it means to be ONE with everything. Because it's a personal feeling, prolly a mind fucker. You feel great, can't explain it, so you're ONE with everything.

    Some people say that you're one with the one you love or have sex with...this is prolly the same shit, different wrapping. I don't get that one, either. It's just a hollow expression, a substitute word for a feeling you can't explain, but everyone can feel.

    Sorry, doesn't work for me.
  18. its hard to define and its even harder to grasp.

    its like love, if anyone could give me a valid description of love i would be impressed. or explain women, that would impress me even more. :D

    see it cant be defined by words, words are too restricting.

    if its this it cant be that, ya know?

    its like a feeling of love eminating from everywhere and an equal love eminating from oneself. love, empathy, compassion.

    p.s. you sound like a dogmatic christian mr. skinner. but i value your argument and you made this thread a good one. k+
  19. " The universe is an infinite sphere whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere. "

  20. All words are substitutes. How hollow it is depends on who's saying/hearing it. A word is nothing more than a symbol that points to something real. The word "one" can be replaced by anything you like. Divine, holy, you may find these more suitable (and they've definitely been around longer than the New Age movement).

    Everyone feels it to some degrees, that's for certain. It happens when two people are in an animated conversation, it happens during passionate sex, it happens when you're deep in meditation or prayer. It happens when you do something with your heart.

    I don't know how else I can explain it.

    You say it doesn't "work" for you... but love and peace isn't something you can manufacture. Don't try and wrap your mind around it, just open yourself up and let it breathe into you. Drugs can help but it's definitely not something dependant on an outside herb or chemical.

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