One of those nights

Discussion in 'General' started by Gag On Grass, Nov 21, 2006.

  1. ok, occassionally i'll have dreams so bad that i just won't go back to sleep, and i just went to bed at like 12:30-1am and i'm already wide awake at 3 am i don't wanna sleep so bed. I know this is pretty pussyish, but my last dream had blood on guts almost pouring on top of me. But, i don't know what it is. It might be because i'm starting to wrestle today, or practicing again. But i've done it before and i don't remember these kind of dreams.

    Anyway, i know no one understands the human psyche, pretty much wanted to rant this off my chest, and just let others know i'm not all perfect and innocent ;)

    Wish i had some doobage to humble my slumbers
  2. I'm just a vampire by choice. I love being up during the night and sleeping during the day.

    sorry you're having bad dreams though man, I was gonna say smoke some green becuase that usually helps me ease into sleep better, but I'm sorry you have none
  3. yea i know what your talking about sorry to hear that. those nights always suck. whenever i go back to sleep on those nights i have the same dream over and over again
  4. you know that i have never had a disturbing dream? other then like, my gf being with some other dude or some stupid shit like that, but never any like gory or scary imagry... at least not that i have remembered.

    try to think in positive terms before sleeping, if you scared, you'll probabaly manifest more scary dreams.

    good luck.
  5. my dreams are FUCKED UP badly .. i dreamed i had a firecracker war with some gangsters over a big part of toronto and that my kindergarten was the dude training up but the kindergarten teacher was actually an asshole because he stole money from my grandpas university (he teaches at a university and use to like own 80% of it) and the kindergarten teacher kidnaped me and a couple of friends and brought us to amsterdam and smoked weed with us ...

    and thats not even the most fucked up dream ive had ... ive had dreams that woke me up just because i was so confused ... woke up like WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUS DREAM ??? :eek:
  6. i have really weird short dreams... one dream i remember was i was in the park and there was this recliner (red) on a HUGE pole. when u got up there it would just spin real fast and throw u off. so in the dream i was on it (idk how i got up it) but it kept throwing me off... and i mean it was like 50 feet up in the air. and i tried going on it atleast 3 times. i remember waking up when i was in mid air and i had that weird feeling in my stomach.

    another weird dream was a mouse ran in my house from the front door and ran out the backdoors without slowing down. and i was at the kitchen table (to go from the front door to the back door u have to go around my table) and just watched the mouse run under the table out the door. i didn't get scared but i woke up and was like "WTF did that dream mean???" hahaha

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