i was outside peeing but instead of it being piss, cum came out. my dad was watching me pee ejaculate. not much came out and my dad said "thats it?" i said "yea..." and he said "its that DAMN stuff your smokin" (my dad knows in real life and is against my habit). then he gave me a lecture on the negative side effects of marijuana, but it was all non sensical bs
I took 7 mg of melatonin and had the most lucid dream of my life last night. I was at my cousins house and his pool was FILLED with what looked like grandaddypurp and i just dived into it off the diving board and the rest of my dream was just random hot celebritys getting naked
i once had a dream that 2 cops were chasing me so i had to jump on a tree and a squirrel on that tree started poking me with a stick, so i get off and i see the fat cop (one of them was fat, the other thin) was eating my burger and drinking my soda. so i get a huge fucking log and bash him in the head with that thing yelling "nobody eats MY fucking burger!" i dont remember waht happened next but that was one awesome dream
man id kill myself, not only because my dad saw me pee cum, but he really made me feel like less of a man when he said "thats it?" melatonin didnt do any of that for me
I took more then twice the recommended dose that might do it. I did other things that are supposed to help lucid dreaming, eating a banana before you go to sleep. I also fell asleep listening to a playlist of the beatles and sublime so i dont know if that had any influence on my dream
Take two pills instead of one, set your alarm to wake you up for one hour before you planned to get up. Go back to sleep and enjoy the most fucking weird dream ever.
music always appears in my dream, even the artist if i fall asleep to the music. ive took way more than one....about 10. even took em out the capsules and downed em. i did have some crazy sleep paralysis come to think about it, but thats about it ^^ive took way more than one....about 10. even took em out the capsules and downed em. i did have some crazy sleep paralysis come to think about it, but thats about it