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One more noob thread

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Gloom, Nov 7, 2008.

  1. I am pretty new to buying, last time was from my cousin where they forgot to give me $20 worth of stuff and now they moved away. Anyways I am pretty clear on quality checks, but quantity is still confusing me. If I compare to a good glass bowl how many bowls should one gram have, and so forth. (And the sticked guide didn't really help me for this.)
  2. Well it depends on how big your bowl is (the part you put the herb in). if its small then probably like 3-4 packs. If the bowl is decent size probably like 1-3 packs. good luck
  3. yeah glass bowls can vary. some pack a lot and some pack a little. if you are going to become a smoker then you should definitely look into buying a scale. you can get some online for as cheap as 15 bucks (check ebay).

  4. scales are your best friend. bring it to a pickup and weigh it out infront of them if it doesnt seem legit. if the hook knows u have a scale they most likely wont rip u off.

    as for bowls a standard glass bong bowl can do 2-3 bowls. depends on the type of piece

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