One fuckin shitty July 4th

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by ISnuff, Jul 5, 2012.

  1. So it all started yesterday. My mom came home from work early complaining of a stomach ache and nausea. We all figured it was just a stomach flu. So later that night she was screaming with pain and I was figuring appendicitis, but somehow she convinced us to wait til in the morning to take her to the ER. So around 6 dad woke me up and said we had to get her to the ER asap. So we went in, me certain it was appendicitis based on the symptoms. 7 hrs later, they actually confirmed it (which was bullshit! It shouldn't take that goddamn long!). After sitting in the ER for 14 hrs, they finally had the surgery through by 8 without any complications. After talking to her a bit and making sure she was OK, we all (me, dad, and little brother) came home for the night and are going back in the morning to pick her up. I've been worried sick all day! Needless to say, I went out and picked me up a 'Cane to drink since I was outta weed and watched a fireworks display. It's been a goddamn shitty day, moreless for the 4th, but still I'm SO fucking glad she's gonna be OK.
  2. Yeah man, appendicitises suck, I had mine out when I was like 6 or 7. Hurts like a motherfucker.

    My almost ruptured, how close was your moms?
  3. Well at least shes OK, thats the important thing. It Sucks to lose family
  4. [quote name='"yankee1227"']Yeah man, appendicitises suck, I had mine out when I was like 6 or 7. Hurts like a motherfucker.

    My almost ruptured, how close was your moms?[/quote]

    My sister had it too, except hers ruptured and she almost died :eek:
    Shes fine now though but it scared the shit out of mu family
  5. [quote name='"rifefir"']

    My sister had it too, except hers ruptured and she almost died :eek:
    Shes fine now though but it scared the shit out of mu family[/quote]

    Yeah man, know how that feels.

    My shitty pediatric doctor thought it was gas, good thing I went to the ER and got a blood test. Stupid ass doctors...
  6. From what the doctor said it was pretty close. He showed us pics after the surgery and said it was starting to turn black. I thought it had ruptured right before the surgery though. She got up to piss before they started prepping her and all of a sudden got REALLY cold and started turning blue while spiking a fever of like 104 F.
  7. [quote name='"ISnuff"']
    From what the doctor said it was pretty close. He showed us pics after the surgery and said it was starting to turn black. I thought it had ruptured right before the surgery though. She got up to piss before they started prepping her and all of a sudden got REALLY cold and started turning blue while spiking a fever of like 104 F.[/quote]

    Yup, high ratio of white blood cells, I had to stay in the hospital for a week, through valentines day, but my whole class sent me cards :D
  8. Damn dude that's not good... I hope she recovers quickly (idk much about appendicitus). I can tell you really care about your mom, sorry you were freaking out all day. I would've been too.

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