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One eye red, the other normal???

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Motoxridah, Jun 12, 2008.

  1. I got a friend who must have a weird family. First off, the one I smoke with can get completely blitzed and only one of his eyes will get red. The other looks completely normal white. This happens everytime we smoke its trippy as hell.

    To top it off, his sister, who also "gives" people weed doesn't get high when she smokes, and believe me she inhales. She can rip blunt after blunt and she says she gets a little tingly in the fingers and toes but thats it. I have seen her rip it up and cough and shit and she still doesnt get high.

    This family must have some weird cannabanoid genetics :rolleyes:
  2. Haha, when I first started smoking a lot, both my eyes would get red, but I would sometimes notice that one of my eyes would be much more glazed than the other. It looked really, really stupid.

    Moral of story: Always have visine.
  3. hahaha we dont use visine around here. We mob around red eye jedi all day everyday. We aren't afraid of people knowing we smoke the fine herbs :D
  4. You = California = Cool.
    Me = Virginia = SUCKS.

  5. I do the same shit in Texas lol, I used to use Visine a long ass time ago when I was younger and actually worried about getting caught, but I haven't used that shit in wellll over a year.
  6. Get some info on there parents, like whether they smoked or not, that might answer some questions :)
  7. i used to always get lost looking in my eyes thinking of christmas. id go take a piss and just stare in front of the mirror thinking of christmas. green eyes, white part of the eye and red bloodshot lines.

    man i love christmas, and weed.:smoke:

  8. That dad for sure smoked but i'm not sure about the mom. They seem like regular people it might just be their genetics. But my friend that I do smoke with does get high it's only his sister that cant get high. She "gives" weed but doesn't smoke so she makes a killer profit
  9. my sisters left eye gets REDASFUCK!,,,,my eyes dont get red (((unless i hotbox,,,the smoke irritates my eyes))) but they glazed as all hell,,,seriously,,,like i want krispy kremes....FUCK!!!
  10. maybe hes getting half high.


    thats weird though.
  11. that pretty sweet! his visine will last twice as long
  12. Actually I heard having 1 eye red is as good as having both eyes clear as far as the popo is concerned. Cuz it just looks like you, idk, have something in your contact for something.
    But Idk. Heh.

  13. Yeah you could always argue you have pink eye or that one of your eye's is irritated. I love you pink oddity I dont know why

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