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On the verge of telling my parents...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Chillumss, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. I see your point, but everyone else is right. And if you don't know how they will react, prepare for the worst. Plan on using your $$ for school to buy your first apartment. Lol. You're the only one who knows your parents dude.
  2. germans know their shit
  3. I'm going into my senior year at a private school (gotta love that scholarship), and my parents caught me this summer.

    Found out my dad grew a few plants once, my mom tried it but hated it (citing 'all it did was make me feel sleepy and hungry').

    So I wasn't in any trouble, and there was a 'we think you're old enough to make your own decisions' talk, but it boiled down to don't smoke at school/let us find out you're still smoking.

    My dad is worried that because my school has a zero tolerance policy, if its ever found out by the administration that I smoke that I would be expelled from the school.

    The funniest part was - "Seriously kid, just knock some beers back. You don't get kicked out for that."

    So that was really my story - just use some questions to gauge the water; see what their opinions are.

    Bring up the upcoming presidentials, and how you wonder how much of the vote Ron Paul might get just because he supports marijuana legalization.

    You'll either get a 'hahahahaha yeah right' (bad news), or a 'well I mean, lots of people smoke, and i think...' and then maybe a week later let them know.
  4. well your parents may not care about u drinking, but neither do mine. i live in wisconsin, where drinking underage is basically socially accepted everywhere and absolutely noones parents care, but my parents flipped out when they found out i smoked pot. so who knows, if u feel like they will be okay with it id say go for it, if they react badly u just dont smoke at home. hopefully they wont go crazy and search ur room and shit and constantly harass u about where ur going and what ur doing
  5. I personally wouldn't just give out that info (that you smoke) to anyone especially you're parents. I just don't understand why people feel the need to tell their parents everything. I have had a few friends do exactly what you are wanting to do, but it turned on them, and they all regret it. SO if you do, be very cautious with your words.

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