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On the Real - Need Some Quality Input

Discussion in 'General' started by nagol1, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. #1 nagol1, Nov 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2011

    Thanks for taking the time to read this, I am currently putting together a book on freedom, the legalization of marijuana, and the legalization of hemp. I have everything completed except the last chapter.

    This chapter I wanted to include some input from Dr's, Scientists, ect. to help build credibility. This is when I realized that the credibility is in the studies being done that prove how helpful marijuana and hemp are. In heart, I have decided I want to include some writings from regular every day people instead. I want people that know nothing about marijuana or hemp to see YOUR perspective as a stoner or grower, whether you use it to just relax, feel normal, help a disease, just love the taste, or you acknowledge the fact that money does in fact grow on trees.

    Please include if applicable in your writing;

    Why did you start smoking marijuana?
    How does it help with your health?
    How has it effected your life?
    Why have you continued to smoke marijuana over time?
    What compels you to put your life on the line (jail time) to grow marijuana?
    What drives you to continue smoking marijuana when its illegal?
    How do you think legalizing hemp / marijuana would help society?
    Would you use hemp oil to fuel your car if it was legal to grow and use in the US?

    If you smoke cigarettes - would you be more inclined to quit if marijuana was legal?
    If you drink often - would you be more inclined to cut back or quit if marijuana was legal?

    In general, why do you think marijuana and hemp should be legalized?

    ~ [NAME] or [NICKNAME]

    In advance, thank you every one for your input. It's time to change the way things are done in this country and it's up to regular every day people like us. If a bunch of farmers can grab a pitch fork and stand up to the largest military nation in the world, we should be able to stand up to a bunch of greedy, money hungry politicians and lobbiests ;)

    P.S. I will +rep you as well!

    If you would like your name or nickname in the book just attach it at the bottom ~
  2. #2 Toxy, Nov 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2011
    Why did you start smoking marijuana? Just wanted to see what the hype was about.
    How does it help with your health? It keeps me relaxed, and helps me make better sense of myself or of a situation that I'm dealing with. It creates great reflection of myself in another perspective.
    How has it effected your life? I can't count all the different ways it has.
    Why have you continued to smoke marijuana over time? Like I said, relaxed thoughts, and creates a nice introspective outlook of my world. It keeps me thinking.
    What compels you to put your life on the line (jail time) to grow marijuana? I don't grow.
    What drives you to continue smoking marijuana when its illegal? Because, I stand with what I believe, and I believe that marijuana laws are shit, complete shit. They took away a plant from us. It's fucking degrading to us, the people, and that's one of the reasons why the government made it illegal, to have more control.
    How do you think legalizing hemp / marijuana would help society? There are countless reason on how it would help, but it should be legal because it's a plant.
    Would you use hemp oil to fuel your car if it was legal to grow and use in the US? Yes.

    If you smoke cigarettes - would you be more inclined to quit if marijuana was legal? Probably, but probably not. I've been smoking for many years now, so it's hard.
    If you drink often - would you be more inclined to cut back or quit if marijuana was legal? Oh, definitely.

    In general, why do you think marijuana and hemp should be legalized? BECAUSE IT'S A PLANT. SOMETHING GROWN FROM THE EARTH THAT WE ARE DESTROYING SHOULD BE LEGAL, ASS HATS.

  3. Thanks Toxy! Keep them coming guys and gals!

  4. Come on people!
  5. Why did you start smoking marijuana? - Curiosity.

    How does it help with your health? - Helps me sleep and gives me an appetite. (Im 6 foot 2 and a 125lbs)

    How has it effected your life? - I went through some rough patches with my mom... but thats all good now. Other than that its whatevs.

    Why have you continued to smoke marijuana over time? - Better than drinking, and makes shit more fun :smoke:

    What compels you to put your life on the line (jail time) to grow marijuana? - I dont grow BRO. Soon though :D

    What drives you to continue smoking marijuana when its illegal? - Im a medical Patient :p

    How do you think legalizing hemp / marijuana would help society? - Pump money back into the economy through taxes and Privatized Prison would definatly get hurt.

    Would you use hemp oil to fuel your car if it was legal to grow and use in the US? - Derp.

    If you smoke cigarettes - would you be more inclined to quit if marijuana was legal? I dun smoke stoges :D

    If you drink often - would you be more inclined to cut back or quit if marijuana was legal? - I drink a couple times a month

    In general, why do you think marijuana and hemp should be legalized? - I care more about ending the Drug War because it is the most EXPENSIVE and LONGEST war in US history. Hemp has SO many uses though that its insane... from Paper to clothes to fuel to insulation. And Marijuana shouldnt be LEGALIZED but DECRIMINALIZED.

    Zach Aka Herb Pheonix :cool:
  6. Why did you start smoking marijuana?
    -Curious what all the hype was about. I had been around it since the 5th grade but it never bothered me, I just didn't want to try it. One day after high school class at buddy of mine's house, he offered me a homemade steamroller and I said ok. Nothing special.

    How does it help with your health?
    -Well as far as my physical health, I did gain some weight at first because I couldn't control the munchies, but now I am working out 6 days a week for an hour or two. Eatting right is key. I started working out and couldn't bike for more than 5 minutes. Now I run a mile and a half to warm up and bike 45 minutes before lifting. O did I mention I smoke before every work out. It helps keep my mind off the physical stress so I just keep going or lifting.
    As far as my mental health, it is what helps me deal with stress, slight depression, and everyday life without going crazy. I am a firm believer that humans got along just fine without pharmacies and their drugs, so I don't want to go to a doctor just to get some synthetic that gives me more side effects than the actual problem. Life isn't always sunshine and happiness, and the same way memory is a key factor in evolution, forgetting is just as important. Marijuana helps me forget what doesn't need to be remembered.

    How has it effected your life?
    -It has put a label on my head. Because I smoke I am automatically a lazy stoner with no ambition. Its a load of shit. I have to worry about having a criminal record because I smoke a plant. I'm not bothering anyone when I smoke, I just want to relax. As much as others opinions don't bother me, being prejudged does. There are some out there that refuse to take someone like me seriously. Just because I'm young and I smoke doesn't mean I don't have opinions, dreams, ideas, potential, a story or a past. I am human and weed is a part of a complex equation.

    Why have you continued to smoke marijuana over time?
    -Mostly because I enjoy it. It makes me laugh and I never say sorry for having a smile on my face. As long as I get my shit done and stay responsible, I diserve it.

    What compels you to put your life on the line (jail time) to grow marijuana?
    -This question isn't so much for me. I've grown once and it was only for personal use. But I did it for my own meds as well seeing my hard work paying off before my eyes. I worked hard to buy the equipment I needed, and put in a ton of hours reading journals and books to know what was going on and what to do next. Its very rewarding even on a small scale. Ill tell you what, there's no better feeling than the first bowl rip of your OWN chronic.

    What drives you to continue smoking marijuana when its illegal?
    -I enjoy it. Nothings illegal till your caught ;P. But seriously, what are laws but boundries other men set in place because THEY think its the right way to live. Granted, there needs to be something to stop immoral acts, but why can't each person stand up for what's right? This brings things into old philosophical question of what's wrong and what's right? Just because its the law doesn't mean its moral.

    How do you think legalizing hemp / marijuana would help society?
    -There's always the countless jobs it creates. Not only growing and selling the actual products, but all the merchandise associated with it. Go into your local headshop and take a look around. Us stoners are very creative. There are insane products that we come up with with brilliant engineering. Then all the products have a business end and without the feds holding back most of these companies, think of all the jobs that would be created with expansion.
    Plus you have to think about how many people each year are put into the judicial system because of this. Jails are a horrible monopoly that breed more criminals. It is a waste of tax dollars and doesn't help anyone.

    Would you use hemp oil to fuel your car if it was legal to grow and use in the US?
    -of course! Although the movers and shakers in the energy business would never allow it, I love the thought. The whole idea behind business is to have a product that is wasteful. The less you need to fill your tank the less money they will make. With all the emissions in the air today we need a healthy alternative soon before we cause damage that can't be undone.

    If you smoke cigarettes - would you be more inclined to quit if marijuana was legal?
    -I smoked for 4 years and havnt smoked in 5 months now. Marijuana was the key for me to quit. I replaced cigs with a joint at first because it was a habbit to smoke. Then I slowed down and now smoke mostly bongs and vapes. I don't even want cigs anymore :)

    If you drink often - would you be more inclined to cut back or quit if marijuana was legal?
    -I have always been a heavy smoker but about a year ago I got a little heavy into drinking. It didn't effect my personal life but I know when I need to cut back. I haven't drank anything at all in 3 months. Its horrible for me anyway so I'm happy I stopped.

    In general, why do you think marijuana and hemp should be legalized?
    -I believe it should be legal because it was made illegal for all the wrong reasons to begin with. The law against it has litterally done nothing to help mankind. Humans have used it for thousands of years with no problem. It has wasted tax dollars, skyrocketed the blackmarket, and ruined lives. I wish the lawmakers weren't to proud to admit when they fucked up.


    Hey man congrats on all your hard work and I hope you finish the book soon so I can take a look! Sorry if the answers were a little long but I wanted to help a fellow stoner find their 'personal treasure'. Best of luck to ya brother.
  7. Thank you! And I really do appreciate you taking the time to write all of that out. It means a lot! + rep and thanks man, seriously!
  8. Keep them coming guys!
  9. Please include if applicable in your writing;

    Why did you start smoking marijuana?
    How does it help with your health?
    How has it effected your life?
    Why have you continued to smoke marijuana over time?
    What compels you to put your life on the line (jail time) to grow marijuana?
    What drives you to continue smoking marijuana when its illegal?
    How do you think legalizing hemp / marijuana would help society?
    Would you use hemp oil to fuel your car if it was legal to grow and use in the US?

    If you smoke cigarettes - would you be more inclined to quit if marijuana was legal?
    If you drink often - would you be more inclined to cut back or quit if marijuana was legal?

    In general, why do you think marijuana and hemp should be legalized?

    ~ [NAME] or [NICKNAME]
  10. Anyone else?
  11. Last call, making my final revisions..
  12. Bigb
    Why did you start smoking marijuana?-it was around so I tried it!
    How does it help with your health?- it docent hurt I still play pick up football and recently just ran the fastest 40 of my life!
    How has it effected your life? -neutral
    Why have you continued to smoke marijuana over time?- it relaxes me.
    What compels you to put your life on the line (jail time) to grow marijuana?n/a
    What drives you to continue smoking marijuana when its illegal?- I love it
    How do you think legalizing hemp / marijuana would help society?- yes
    Would you use hemp oil to fuel your car if it was legal to grow and use in the US?- yes
    If you smoke cigarettes - would you be more inclined to quit if marijuana was legal?-no
    If you drink often - would you be more inclined to cut back or quit if marijuana was ilegal?- if I could end prohabition I would put the bottle down forever!
  13. I think cannabis is a intentionally with held miracle cure for most of what's wrong with America today. It's research is constantly stifled so well never know how great the potential is in modern pharmacology. For all we Know it's likely the out right cure for cancer. It has shown promise of being a cheap alternative to many products that we need on a everyday basis. Between bio fuel hemp products theres no end to the possibility for a sustainable resource.

    The social implications of the continued prohibition of cannabis are vast and down right immoral. Racism and financial interest were the primary cause of starting prohibition. The The stamp act was used to create a reason to police the plant. The act was later considered unconstitutional In the case of Timothy Leary vs the united states. All this being said the basis for locking up tens of thousands of ppl yearly costing us countless millions that we don't have, is all based on some bull shit that even the supreme court thought stupid.

    So yea let's legalize it already!
  14. I hope I make it into the book man good luck! Thanks for ur effort the more proactive Each user is the closer well be to our goal!
  15. True story!

    Thanks for your input, it is much appreciated! Still looking for some more! The more the better, if you have something to say about it say it!
  16. #16 BigB8140, Dec 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2011
    I could go on for days with this shit. There's a lot the average person dosent know about the process of prohibition. Hell, those old enough to remember that as news are well in to the demensia risk stage of life.
  17. Hey if you have any first hand experience with it I'd love to hear it, if you want I could add a little "rant" section at the end of your writing with anything you add. I'm really excited about this chapter because I think it will give every day - non - smokers an idea of who we are, and what we're about from OUR perspective. Whether we use cannabis to make money, relax, feel normal, treat an illness or disease, or just because you don't agree with government control; I hope it will show a bit of insight for everyone!
  18. Due to some major procrastination I'm on my final edits. Last chance guys! Anyone else?

    Thanks for taking the time to read this, I am currently putting together a book on freedom, the legalization of marijuana, and the legalization of hemp. I have everything completed except the last chapter.

    This chapter I wanted to include some input from Dr's, Scientists, ect. to help build credibility. This is when I realized that the credibility is in the studies being done that prove how helpful marijuana and hemp are. In heart, I have decided I want to include some writings from regular every day people instead. I want people that know nothing about marijuana or hemp to see YOUR perspective as a stoner or grower, whether you use it to just relax, feel normal, help a disease, just love the taste, or you acknowledge the fact that money does in fact grow on trees.

    Please include if applicable in your writing;

    Why did you start smoking marijuana?
    How does it help with your health?
    How has it effected your life?
    Why have you continued to smoke marijuana over time?
    What compels you to put your life on the line (jail time) to grow marijuana?
    What drives you to continue smoking marijuana when its illegal?
    How do you think legalizing hemp / marijuana would help society?
    Would you use hemp oil to fuel your car if it was legal to grow and use in the US?

    If you smoke cigarettes - would you be more inclined to quit if marijuana was legal?
    If you drink often - would you be more inclined to cut back or quit if marijuana was legal?

    In general, why do you think marijuana and hemp should be legalized?

    ~ [NAME] or [NICKNAME]

    In advance, thank you every one for your input. It's time to change the way things are done in this country and it's up to regular every day people like us. If a bunch of farmers can grab a pitch fork and stand up to the largest military nation in the world, we should be able to stand up to a bunch of greedy, money hungry politicians and lobbiests

    P.S. I will +rep you as well!

    If you would like your name or nickname in the book just attach it at the bottom ~

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