On a quest for peace

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Rhythm of Life, May 26, 2009.

  1. I just recently went to Hawaii where I learned about a man some of you may already know. If you do not know him already I hope that you will in the near future. The man I speak of is Thich Nhat Hanh.


    He is a Zen Buddhist who has written over 60 books (3 of which I have already read: Creating True Peace, Nothing to do Nowhere to go: Waking up to who you are, and Calming the Fearful Mind: A Zen Response to Terrorism) and his message is that of change and hope.

    Nhat Hanh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I have always been troubled in my spiritual path but mainly due polluting my own soul with things like hatred, violence, and greed but his words have changed me. I am no where near a changed man, but I am learning. I am striving to be a better person, and I believe that this mans teachings will help me and others who seek a similar path. While I still act out in selfish ways, I am able to realize this and to analyze how I came to those actions. I can honestly say that through many of his teachings in his book "Creating True Peace" I have become a happier and more caring person. He has many meditation techniques in here that have done wonders for me in relaxing my mind, my body, and my emotions.

    If anyone feels troubled, anxiety, confused, angry, or unhappy, take a look at these books and other by him, they will work wonders for you.
  2. I've never had been an angry person, but I'm usually confused (hence the screen name). I don't know if I consider myself a peaceful person, but I've always been stumped when it comes to hate. I enjoy materialism, and I love what the world (not neccessarily life) has to offer, will these books just make more confused than I already am? Because I've always figured the Zen approach was one of simplicity, a life with no materialistic excess...or does he write about the bigger picture? Honestly, I hate judging something without knowing much about it, but I don't know dude I've always figured the Zen approach wasn't for everyone...but you seem to be enthuiastic about it, what book do you recommend for a first-timer?
  3. I don't think these books will confuse you, but instead give you a better understanding.

    I would read Creating True Peace first, it and Calming the Fearful Mind are very similar but Creating True Peace gives specific examples of meditation and it speaks more clearly and more to a personal level than Calming the Fearful Mind does.

    Nhat Hahn does speak of simplicity but he is well aware of modern values. I wish I could find the quote right now but what he says in Creating True Peace in relation to materialism is that you need to be happy with what you have, a man who constantly searches for more goods is one who will never be happy. I take that not as to rid yourself of all material items but manage what you have. You can have a car, but do you need a $300,000 Ferrari? You have clothes, but do you really need the Gucci glasses?

    For example, I will use myself, I have over 12 skateboards, do I really need all of those items? Now I realize that I don't. So many of them will be given away at the skate park tomorrow.

    For him everything is about the right "mindfulness." How you perceive and understand. In my life right now, I am confused, I am scared of what the future holds, and I am haunted by my past. But through his teachings I am learning acceptance and how to live in the here and now.

    “Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis
    on which the world earth revolves - slowly, evenly, without
    rushing toward the future. Live the actual moment.
    Only this moment is life.”
    — Thich Nhat Hanh

    Your happiness and compassion can be felt by others, but before you can make others happy, you must first be happy yourself. But understand that it is a path, and a long one at that. But if everyday you work a little harder at it you will improve you life and the lives of others.
  4. Is striving to be a better person a selfless or selfish desire? Is selfishness necessarily bad?
  5. It depends on the acts of selfishness, if they manifest good and happiness then no. But if they create greed, hatred and loss then yes.
  6. Thanks dude, I'll be swinging by Barnes & Noble tommorow and I'll be sure to pick it up. Who knows, it might actually do me some good.
  7. Thats where I got my copy, they'll run you about $15 per book. But in my original post there are links to the online books for free.
  8. I might pick it up be as well

  9. Yeah I noticed that, I can never bring myself to read a book online though. I prefer doing it the old-fashioned way, it's money well-spent.

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