Old school

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by CLKWRK, Feb 21, 2011.

  1. I really hate to say this, but OLD school to me means PRE-NES. There were a ton of systems before the NES you know, and a lot of them were really fun to play.

    Atari 2600, 5200
    & the ultimate Old School - VECTREX!

    NES <> Old School

  2. No no wildwill, those are the classics, they get honor. NES and after, is just oldschool.
  3. They so vintage! I never had a Vectrex, but I had all the others you mentioned. I remember having a system (I want to say was a commodore) that used the 8 inch floppy diskettes. haha. It only had games like Tank on it. I had so much fun with that thing growing up.

  4. I swear Duckhunt was rigged.....that stupid dog got me so pissed off when I ''missed''

    I agree with you though. I've never disconnected my SNES, nor would I ever dare! It was my 2nd system and still one of the best! I decided to try and finally beat the Super Star Wars series and got so angry at the fact that games made over 20 years ago gives me more trouble than a game designed to give me trouble with all this crazy technology out. In a sense I appreciate my SNES more than my PS3.
  5. [​IMG]

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