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Old friend is gone :(

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Corbrey, Sep 11, 2007.

  1. So today was the very last day for a local headshop worker. There was this woman named Kim who had worked in this headshop for over 17 years. And over the past few months sience I have turned 18 I have been going there ALOT, everyone knows me by name. When I found out she was leaving, a few of the other employees were talking about her favorite pipe and how she wanted it so bad. So today right before she left, I was talking to her for like 2 hours. Then I said:
    "You know, I have had my eye on the pipe for SO long, How much is it?"
    She was SO excited I was buying the pipe, she started telling everyone it was going to a great home, and how she was happy she was around to see it go. Well she wrapped it up for me, and handed it to me, then I just looked at her and handed it right back. She instantly broke down into tears and ran around and gave me and my friends a giant hug, and we talked again for a few more hours. Then we headed on out, and wished her the best of luck. :)
  2. Nice story, and good first post! Treat all as you want to be treated! +rep
  3. Thankyou :) I've been reading GC for a few months now, and havn't gotten around to making an account, but I just had to post this :) She was an awesome person. I told her I would visit her before I shipped out.
  4. That was a really chill thing to do. Enjoy the positive karma.
  5. kick ass story. i must say it was pretty tight...
  6. Wow, man. +rep. That's an amazing thing to do.
  7. good deeds ftmfw.
  8. good karma kid
  9. damn ur spittin game at her, go and beat that shit now and end the cycle
  10. thats one of the nicest things ive ever heard. she must have been very happy +rep:hello:
  11. Word. That was an awesome thing you did. Karma HAS to kiss you ass now :p there needs to be more loving people in this world, it's people like you that keep my hope for humanity surviving, even if just barely ;) +REP for sure!!
  12. I would def. give you rep but im not sure if it will sork since you only have 4 posts. Great story dude. You really did a good thing. Be proud.
  13. wow man, amazing story.

    really brightened my day, really made me think about what i'm doing for this world.

    enjoy your karma bro
  14. :smoke: that wAS A SWEET THING TO DO PROPS
  15. dude tight story >PROPS<:hello:
  16. Good to see that theres still good people out there.
    Wish I saw more of that
  17. Your a wonderful person dude.
    + Rep for sure.
  18. Well theres this headshop/chill store by me.

    And the owner got shot and killed on his farm.

    But he was a really cool dude, but I never got to chill with him really... my buddy says he did though.
  19. +rep thats a really thoughtful thing to do for an old friend... awesome shit man.
  20. Thats shit makes me feel good inside. (No Homo)

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