Old childhood smoking spots

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by OhioNativeLikeDeathstar, Apr 11, 2016.

  1. I'm 18 and where I live there is nowhere to get away and toke without being bothered by the Feds so I'd like to hear about some of your old spots and good memories while toking there.
  2. I used to sneak everything under my towel into the bathroom and take a long hot shower. I'd let it get to were the mirrors fogged up a bit then smoke and blow all the smoke through a sploof with dryer sheets.Then you get in the shower and and wash use the body soap shampoo all that, then turn the fan on get your stuff together turn off the shower and run back to your room and hide everything.Another way would be to wait till night then blow through a sploof out the window its pretty good if you have the tv on to block out lighter noise.
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  3. I am doing the shower one rn.

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  4. I go on grasscity while i do the shower thing to lol. op id like to remind you that this only works with bowls not blunts and joints to much smoke is let out its not impossible to do it but not worth the risk.
  5. The feds bother your for smoking weed? Or do you mean cops

    there's certain accidents where you may be drunk and on drugs.
    but it's going to happen weather you are or your not
  6. I always go out to my car which is right in the middle of a subdivision with conservative assholes and Feds. It sucks! I wish there were woods around my house
  7. Fuckin way she goes. Cops*
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  8. Scenic park with a jungle gym styled after a rocketship giving the area the affectionate title "rocketship park."
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  9. Welll I'm still young (out of my parents house though), but lemme tell ya, I'd smoke anywhere. I smoked behind the high school band hall, parking lots, condo parking lots (I'm from PCB FL so if that gives you an idea), I'd go to neighborhoods and rip my bong in my car, I'd sneak out to the forest behind this one neighborhood, I'd smoke by my neighborhood clubhouse by the water (chill ass neighborhood), smoked blunts all the time on the beach, my best friend's side yard, in the woods at night with my friends (it was really spooky, but in a fun way). Best times I've ever had were from 16-17 years old, low tolerance, all my friends, and had tons of money for weed cause I pulled $15-$20/hr, sold on the side (just to friends and coworkers), and worked 4-5 days a week.

    OH I can't forget my favorite: In the restaurant I worked at, I'd either hotbox the employee bathroom or smoke out around side... ghetto fine dining at its best.
  10. We would always smoke and cruise or go to a friend's where their parents didn't care..... otherwise there is a damn near my old city

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  11. Skatepark next to an elementary school, next to a hockey rink next to the high school.
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  12. My friend lives next to a huge forest so we just high up on the rocks and blaze it. When we were 15-17 we would go to a random forest and be paranoid all the time.

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  13. I also used to stay baked in the shower. like hour showers and stuff. besides that any wooded area.
  14. My mom worked midnight shift at a hospital, and she didn't drive. I'd pick her up at 10:30pm and when I got back to the house after dropping her off, there would be 2 or 3 cars at my house....Let the games begin...lol...

    Forgot to add that she was a heavy cig smoker and never smelled anything.
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  15. Ever since smartphones though, chill spots are basically wifi hotspots. Everyone has a screen to keep track of these days. :confused_2:
  16. I used to go hang out under the bridge at my cottage with my cousin when i started smoking, shit we spent so much time under that bridge for a few summers haha. We'd bring supplies, fishing rods and stuff. There was an abandoned wilmill right next to it that held wonders. It overlooked the river and had rapids flowing through it. Those days were awesome.
    on another note i second the shower smoking with a pipe or paper towel roll with fabric softener in it can also work for a few hits
  17. Oh and you can climb up a tree if u really dont wanna get caught
  18. Where I live you can get to the woods pretty easily from most places. When I was like 15 my friends and I would just sneak out of whatever house we were in and go off to the woods and get high. No matter where we were hanging out there was always a good spot to go to each time. Usually find a big rock to sit on or a fallen tree.
  19. There was a tree hanging over a creek that was kinda in the middle of town, so we'd all converge there in the evenings, hang our feet over the water and blaze. Then other people starting having parties at are spot and bringing alcohol so the cops started showing up once in a while, we still blazed there and they rarely gave us trouble but I definitely stopped stashing my weed there.
  20. Smoking since I was in the womb as for the munchies... I had a twin

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